Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Christmas Campaign

So Operation Simplify Christmas is in place. All pertinent parties have been brought up to speed about our plan of attack and everyone is on board with our objective of a Christmas that's more enjoyable to everyone. It's not always easy to co-ordinate a family like ours over the holidays and I was a little nervous about how the whole thing was going to go over because we were basically saying, "hey everybody do everything our way." The best scenario for us wasn't necessarily going to jive with all involved, but we got lucky. Thanks to all the Grandma's, Granny's and Papa's involved. We're still not 100% sure that this plan will, ultimately, be the best for our family, but we're going to give it the ole college try and tweak it a bit next year if need be. So now that the stress of the logisitcs is over I can get back to obsessing about what the hell I'm going to buy everyone with a budget of $5 per person.

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