Monday, November 20, 2006

Down in Front

To the two self absorbed Mother's at swimming lessons tonight;

The reason I had left a 5 foot space between my chair and the viewing window was to give the lady who had been watching the previous class ample room to get her baby grandson settled and buckled into his car seat before organizing her own belongings. It certainly wasn't so you could slide two chairs from the back row and wedge them in between me and the window. I'm sure the elderly lady really appreciated you then squeezing your way past her to get to the seats you now had wedged up against the glass and couldn't access any other way. It's not like she was doing anything important anyway.

Okay so now you have your front row seats. Your methods of obtaining them were a little rude and devoid of common courtesy, but you have them and that's the important thing right? And surely you need to be in the front row because you want to focus all your attention on your children's swimming lesson. So how come it took the instructor several minutes to get your attention? You know, when your child needed assistance. Was there something obstructing your view? Or was it because rather than watch the class the two of you were looking at each other, gossiping deep in conversation.

Now I'm not here to judge you. If you feel it necessary to rehash last night's episode of Desperate Housewives minute by minute, that's fine. Whatever makes you happy. Chat it up. I don't care. Maybe next time you could move your designer clad asses to the back row, out of the way of the (grand)parents who are actually interested in observing our children's lesson. I'm just sayin'.

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