Friday, November 17, 2006

I Changed my Mind I Want to Homeschool

We got a letter home from the school earlier this week indicating there had been a couple of cases of head lice reported in Abby's classroom. Abby had been checked that day and was given the all clear. Phew, dodged a bullet there.

Today the phone rings and caller display tells me it's her school. ACK! I answer the phone and it's the Principal. Double ACK! I instantly started to sweat because talking to the Principal has always (and apparently still does) made me nervous. It appears they were doing another head lice check in Abby's class and guess who hit the jackpot this time around? All those who answered Abby give yourself a pat on the back. So I thanked the Principal for his call, hung up the phone and started freaking out. Then I called Mike at work, who started freaking out. I told him to bring some lice shampoo home with him tonight and he better bring enough for all of us since we all slept together last night.

Having effectively ruined Michael's day I hung up the phone and started to inventory what I was going to have to do. It went a little something like this;

Okay her bedding. And pillow case, don't forget the pillow case. All our bedding. Oh crap, why did she have to sleep with us last night. Oh shit, Maya was in bed with us too. But that was before Abby. But Abby watched cartoons in our room before bed last night. Damnit my head is itchy. Shit! All her stuffed animals that sit on her pillow. What about the pillows in the living room? Which ones did she lay on? Hell, better wash them all. And my afghan. Oh and the Dora blanket in the cupboard, she had that out yesterday. Double shit! She had Maya's blanky. The one she's sleeping with right now. Oh God my head is itchy. How many days ago was she playing with all the winter hats and mitts? Guess I better wash them too. Oh damnit all to hell, little neighbour girl was here yesterday. Now I have to call her mom and tell her. Do I really have to call and tell her? Yes I really have to call and tell her. Shit! Shit! Shit! And the brushes, don't forget to soak the brushes. What about the elastics? Throw them all out? ACK! My head is itchy!!

So yeah, just in case the head lice wasn't bad enough yesterday was the day I babysat for a neighbour. That's the kind of luck I have. I have to say she was very nice about the whole thing when I called to give her a head's up. I think she could hear the panic in my voice, plus I'm pretty sure the begging for forgiveness helped. So once I had the first load of sheets, stuffed animals and hats in the washer I immediately booked myself an appointment with Dr. Google. You know I don't know why I keep seeing him, I'm almost convinced he's a quack. I can't get a straight answer out of him no matter what I do. First he tells me using the medicated shampoo will be sufficient, no extra steps needed. Then he tells me that shampooing is only half of it, I still have to comb her hair to remove any nits. And as luck would have it he happens to have one right there he can sell me. Next he tells me that the lice can only survive off the host for 24 hours, then he says 3 days, then it's up to 10 days. What's a stressed out Mother to do?

And my head is still itchy.


Merry said...

Okay breathe. It's not the end of the world though I know it feels like it.

We had the same issue a couple of weeks ago. We used the shampoo but it DIDN"T WORK!!!!! No one tells you that the little buggers are almost always resistant to the active ingredients in the shampoos. We googled and found some "natural" remedies that used oil to smoother the adults & vinegar to disolve the nits. Amazingly enough it seems to have worked (though your child feels like you are making a salad on their head with all that oil & vinegar). I'm not sure of the exact site but I'm sure you can find it.

Also, anything you can't launder, put in plastic bags for two weeks b/c they can't live longer than that. The adults only live for 3 days without food (blood) but the nits hatch in 7-10 days which leads to the longer wait times.

Hope that helps! :)

Shan said...

Thanks for the advice Merry. I appreciate it.

shan said...

We've had our share of lice here-- middle daughter came home with it 4x in 2001. Yuck. We used the licemeister comb, and it was awesome. Never needed to use pesticides on the kids. I actually have this site: in my favorites because I know those creepy buggers are going to visit again sometime.