Thursday, November 16, 2006

A Random Thursday

Can I get a hell ya for my boy Emmitt Smith bring home the ballroom dancing bacon (more on bacon to follow)? Well deserved I say. Whatever am I going to do on Tuesday nights now?

Maya crawled today. On hands and knees. There was much rejoicing.

How did I not know about the magic that is a cool mist humdifier? I have a four year old, seems to me someone would have suggested I buy one before now. We bought one last night on the recommendation of our pharmacist (and my mom) for Maya's nasty cough. And she slept comfortably all night. That means I, also, slept comfortably all night.

Abby is a bacon thief. I cooked us each three pieces. Abby was having a toasted BLT hold the LT, but with lots of ketchup. Mike and I were having bacon and cheese omlets. Mike made Abby's while I made our dinner. The bacon was sitting on a plate on the counter. Abby was at the table eating her toasted B sandwich. Unbeknowst to me the little bacon napper swiped a slice of bacon set aside for her Dad and myself. I only realized it when it came time to add the bacon to the omlets.
Me: Abby did you take a piece of bacon? It should be noted that she is nowhere near finished her bacon sandwich.
Abby: No, I didn't.
Me: I think you did.
Abby: Yeah I did. I love bacon.
I should also mention that earlier in the week I made stew with bacon and she had a fit because I only let her have half a piece. I literal fit, I kid you not. She lost TV for the day over bacon.

NaBloPoMo Blog of the Day - Mom to the Screaming Masses

I just stumbled across this blog a few minutes ago. I love the name, but as a mom to 6 what else could you call it? I'm impressed she has time to blog. Go read. Go ahead. Have I ever steered you wrong before.

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