But which one is my favourite. I mean if I was forced to choose one, which would it be. I've thought about it long and hard. So many of them are so pretty, so many are filled with special meaning it's hard to say. Going on aesthetics only I think I'd pick the Barbies.

Every year my Mom has bought me the Hallmark Holiday Barbie ornament. I am the proud owner of the entire collection. I think they look so pretty on the tree in their elaborate ball gowns. It reminds me of being a little girl and how much I adored playing with my Barbies. The one pictured isn't necessarily my favourite (it's hard to pick one), although she is quite pretty. I picked her because she is last year's model. I have a rule that any 2006 ornaments don't make it on to the tree until 2007. I don't know why that's a rule, but it is and yes I realize I'm weird.
Rules are made to be broken!!!!!
Barbie sure is pretty! All my "real" ornaments are in a box in my mom's basement in the States. I'm working on it. Of course right now I have the tiniest tree imaginable, so it'd actually be quite depressing to have all the ones that mean something have to sit on the sidelines anyway. I kinda like your "wait till next year" rule. Let's them enjoy their last Christmas off before they get to work ;)
We'll see Mom, we'll see.
Michelle, next to my Mom's your tree is the smallest one I've seen. I would hate to have all my favourite ornaments with no where to put them all. Which would be the exact reason we have two trees this year. I've collected way too much stuff for only one.
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