Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Just for Lynn

Last night may have been one of the greatest nights of Abby's life. She got to talk to her teacher on the phone. Miss M had called to let us know that their Valentine's Day party had been rescheduled for today since last Wednesday had been a snow day and they hadn't been to school since. As I was speaking to her there was nothing but chaos in the background, the kind of chaos that goes hand in hand with young children and being on the phone. "Oh," she remarked, "you sound busy." I told her most of the noise was Abby bugging to talk to whoever I was on the phone with. "You can put her on, I'll say hi to her."

Well Abby's eyes were about as big as saucers when she heard Miss M's voice on the other end. After we hung up she could talk about little else for the next half hour or so. Which is a long time when you consider the entire conversation lasted about 45 seconds with Miss M asking Abby if she was ready for school to which Abby replied yes and then sat silent for another 15 seconds before wordlessly handing the phone back to me. In awe doesn't even begin to cover it.

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I was looking forward to seeing Abby's Valentine's day haul. It seemed like she got a ton of cards until I realized a good half of them were her own cards that she neglected to hand out. I think they were supposed to pass them out to their friends themselves because she told me she ran out of time and had to go sit down. Mike was pleased to see Abby didn't have the worst printing in her class.

Actually what I was most looking forward too was her craft project. We got a note home requesting one white sock and two cups of pasta, rice or kitty litter for their Valentine project. I was very curious to see what they were going to do with that.

And this is it....

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I'm not exactly sure what it is, but it's cute and now it lives on my desk.

Keep reading for What's Cooking Wednesday


Anonymous said...

ahhh, dats a keep for sure!!

Shan said...

Yeah, he/she/it's a keeper.