Tuesday, February 20, 2007

No rest for a Mommy

Wow, I feel like crap. Really. My sinuses feel like they've been pumped full of cement. My head feels heavy. Also my body is apparently a step or two behind my brain. I would have gladly climbed right into bed as soon as we got home, but Mom's aren't allowed to do that. I did try though. Abby caught me in my room changing into my PJ's.

Abby: Hey! What are you doing?
Me: Mommy doesn't feel so great.
Abby: But I thought we were going to make a snowman outside.
Me: You still want to do that huh? Cause Mommy feels pretty yucky.
Abby: Just lets do it, then you can lay down when were finished.

So you know I dragged my butt outside (did I mention I own no winter boots or any kind of snow-type pant?) and built a Snow-Mommy, a Snow-Abby and a Snow-Maya. No Snow-Daddy because I was bitter about him being inside while me and my concrete filled head were outside, also we were out of hats and scarves.

2007-02-20 021


Anonymous said...

Thats what makes u an AMAZING MOM!...AHHHH,...and why i luv u!!!

Merry said...

Hope you feel better soon! The snow family (minus snowdaddy) is super cute! Abby is lucky to have a mom like you...instead of me who would have told her to go watch TV. :)

Shan said...

Aww thanks Darlene, that's why you're my favourite. Have I told you that yet this week?

Thanks Merry I'm feeling lots better already. Telling her to go watch TV was very tempting, but sick or not this was the route to take. We had a lot of fun.