Oh my and laugh we did. All day I think.

Before I go any further I must say thank you

We lunched at the Hard Rock Cafe where I think we all enjoyed the company more than the food. Well to be honest I think we all enjoyed this moment most of all.
After all that hilarity we headed over to the show at the old Pantages now Canon Theater. I had never been there before, but Mike had gone years ago to see Cats. It really is a beautiful theater inside. Our seats were good, orchestra about half way back. Now for the show, how did I like the show? Well to be honest I think the parts were better than the whole. I'm not a big Queen fan, but the music was good and the story had some very funny laugh out loud parts. I can't help, but compare it to Mamma Mia which I saw twice (and loved) and they really don't compare. The music and the story in Mamma Mia seemed to fit together perfectly. In We Will Rock You I didn't get that feeling. It seemed a bit forced. I could go into more detail, but if you haven't seen the show I certainly don't want to ruin the story for you. I am, by no means, a great reviewer, but I know what I like and personally, I found it just alright. The entire day, though was phenomenal, so I'm not going to complain at all. Sign me for another one of those quick. I'm thinking Dirty Dancing in October.... what do you say girls?
Check out the whole day here.
Going out with the girls and enjoying food and music is always a good time!!!
The Lt Dan Band was totally dancing in the aisles awesome. Gary Sinise rocks!! I tried to get Mike a ticket this morning but it was a sold out show. Rock on girl!! Glad you had fun!
the best part i think , was us all being together!...as gosh we do have a good time together dont we?
hee hee
damn that LYNN for not coming!!
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