Friday, May 18, 2007

To my youngest.

Dear Maya

There is so much to love about you. The big wet open mouthed kisses you're so fond of giving right now. The way you call for your sister when you can't see her. The way you scrunch your nose up when you smile. How you stretch Daddy and Papa into two words in that little sing song voice of yours. Your halting little Frankenstein - esque walk. Oh God, you're so cute I can barely stand it sometimes. I love you so much, I think might heart may burst from it.

2007-05-11 017

That being said, I'm not so much in love with your garbage can fascination. Yeah it was funny and even a little bit cute in the beginning. Oh how we chuckled the day we found two bottles and your Grandma's slipper in there. I even let out a snicker over the bowl, the library book though, that was a little much. You know the school made me replace that. Then there were the allegations regarding the missing boot. Your sister really loved those red boots, which I can't quite confirm went in the garbage, but where else could it be. I had actually lulled myself into thinking you were done with the garbage can thing or maybe you just got better at picking your drop times, waiting until I wasn't in the kitchen. Tonight as I tidied up the back closet a quick inventory told me I was down one pink Abby-sized Crocs. Your Dad and I searched the house there is no other place it could be, but, as of this morning, sitting in a land fill.

What's the problem Maya? Are you jealous of your sister's shoe collection? Is that why you keep throwing out only one of a pair? Because a quick trip to Payless can remedy that for you. Although it would have been nice if you'd brought this to my attention during BOGO. I could have saved us some money, but it's neither here nor there. Furthermore if you wanted to throw out a shoe, why not pick one that's dispensable? Like last year's flip flops, for example. Or the too small running shoes. Why go for the crown jewel of her collection?

Oh Maya, you're lucky you're cute and nobody can stay mad at you. You're even luckier there's enough money in your bank account to buy your sister a new pair.

I love you.
Mom xo


darlene said...

this is why i LOVE U!!
WELL, one of the reasons!!

Shan said...

Thanks! And that's why I love you!