Saturday, May 19, 2007


Now you're probably asking yourself, what in the world is a Zebby? Well Zebby is the name of the donkey where Grandma Sandi boards one of her horses. Abby is especially fond of him (or her I'm not exactly sure what we're dealing with there). So much so that this is also a Zebby...

2007-05-19 011

Yes, Abby has named her new kitten after the donkey despite some stellar suggestions from her father and Uncle Dave, who helpfully recommended the following, "the cat", Kevin, Ricky and Mittens.

Zebby has been making herself right at home. After a very quick tour of the living room she spent some time hiding under the recliner. Mike fished her out to show her where the washroom facilities were after which she curled up near my desk and slept for an hour or so. Upon waking she spent several minutes in serious combat with "mirror Zebby", the outcome of which was too close to call.

2007-05-19 012


Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Oh my goodness is Zebby cute! Mirror Zebby is *almost* as cute, but in any event, I'm sure the donkey is honored.

darlene said...

ahhhh, shes is beautiful!!
she will bring many laughs and soo much joy!! all of you!!
ABBY finally wins!!
u go girl!!

Karen said...

Very sweet. I, actually, love the name.

Shan said...

Thanks everyone. She is a sweetie.