Saturday, May 05, 2007

What did I expect for a buck?

Ever wonder how they can sell two kites for a dollar at the local Dollarama? That's fifty cents a kite for those with poor math skills. How can they do that? Simple, they don't fly. So you aren't paying for the "bells and whistles".

In fact they aren't even constructed in a manner that actually keeps the kite together when it's airborne. Now I have to give the kite credit it really did want to fly. It went up like a dream, but would invariably come crashing right down to the ground. Abby, not surprisingly, lost interest rather quickly and instead spent her time at the park falling in the mud, making "gravel angels", which are remarkably like snow angels, but, you know, in gravel instead. Also peeing all over the back over her pants while attempting "squat in the grass". Actually she wasn't aware that it was necessary for girls to squat and was just going to let it fly while standing. I should have let her since the outcome was ultimately the same.

It did fly pretty good with only a few feet of line out, but really what fun is there in that? I don't even want to tell you the time Michael wasted trying to get this thing to fly for anything longer than 30 seconds. He just kept letting out more line and backing up until before I knew it he was on the other side of the park. He just was not willing to admit defeat. Meanwhile I'm at the swings with the kids thinking, dude it's a fifty cent kite, just let it go already.

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In any event the kids enjoyed a wagon ride and an afternoon at the park. After which I worked on the books and managed to increase our kite budget eight times what it was. We're hoping to have our new $4 pricey model kite up and flying by tomorrow. Wish us luck.

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