Monday, June 18, 2007

technologically advanced, socially speaking

Abby: Mom I want to go swimming at Emmie's house.
Me: Well honey you weren't invited over to swim at Emmie's house.
Abby: But I really want to go.
Me: I guess you're just going to have to wait to be invited one day.
Abby: Well I'm mad at Emmie for not telling me I could come swimming. Mom, we should send her a mean email* and tell her that.

* and I thought this kind of stuff didn't start until high school.


darlene said...

that is to funny!!

Anonymous said...

Our kids are growing up in a completely different world than we did, are they not?

My sister taught high school for the first time last year, and she says nobody passes notes anymore, they all just sit there texting each other under their desks!