Thursday, June 07, 2007

why i love my husband - part 4

Well there has been lots to smile and be happy about in our tiny corner of the world, not the least of which is Michael. So it seems like the perfect time to give you ten more reason's I love the big lug.

31. He's been trying really hard to make changes in his parenting style. We haven't always been on the same page over the last five years, but in the last couple of months he's really been trying to adopt a style more like my own.
32. He's starting watching The Young and the Restless..... again.
33. He imitates "Victor Newman" when he watches it.
34. He implemented a recycling program at work.
35. After Abby's birthday party he went through the garbage and picked out anything that could go in the green cart, like paper plates, napkin and food scraps.
36. He lets the cat and the kids climb all over him with only minimal complaining.
37. He'd do anything to protect me and the girls, but if there's a snake involved we're on our own.
38. He's chief litter box cleaner.
39. He finally cut his hair.
40. He's been wanting me to cut Abby's hair for years and I've resisted. Now that she's had it cut and I love it he's kept the "I told you so's" to a minimum.

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