Abby had been excited about getting back to school for days prior, asking me every morning, "is it today Mom? Do I go today?" The night before we carefully picked out her outfit.

This was a new outfit from Granny and Abby was instantly in love with the jaguar skirt. Yes, jaguar. Please don't try to suggest it may be leopard. Trust me. She declined my offer of a new backpack and/or lunch bag still quite happy with her Dora lunch bag and Strawberry Shortcake backpack that both have more than a few miles on them.

And before the sun was out of bed I had loaded Abby up like a pack mule and got ready to drop her off at the sitter's. Such important things were required for the first day; box of Kleenex, two boxes of large ziploc bags, a "just in case" outfit, indoor shoes and foam craft shapes. Funny it rained last year for her first day of school as well.

Have I mentioned I have an amazing sitter? Because I do. She was kind enough to take my camera and snap a "getting on the bus" picture of Abby for me.

And Mike and I were there to snap the coming home picture. Oh and has anybody guessed that Papa was there again this year for both pick up and drop off? Yeah he's a pretty great Papa!
So how was her first day of school? Well she took two steps off the bus and burst into tears so relieved, exhausted, excited and overwhelmed to see me. She was loaded up like a pack mule with magic play doh that told the future. She has the most amazing teacher this year she wants to make each kid a kindergarten memories scrapbook. Also a huge stack of "homework" for me, the details about the year's first fund raiser and two extraordinarily large holes in her brand new tights. Seriously, have you ever seen swiss cheese that's more hole than cheese? They were like that.
So far we are off to a rip roaring start. Today was her second day and she may have loved it more than the first. The highlight reel for today includes a new library book, a sheet of paper with her first *AND* last name on it and an empty lunch bag! Next week will be interesting as we have our first three day week. Also our first back to back school days. I'm curious to see how that goes over. I'll keep you posted.
Those photos are sooooooo cute. Sooooooooo cute. Sooooooooooo cute.
That is a sassy first day of school outfit with the JAGUAR skirt!
Kindergarten sounds fabulous and exciting so far!
that child is stylin'!! way to go abby!!!
She looks so cute in that 1st picture!
She couldn't look any cuter in that outfit if she tried.
Such a big girl. Love the outfit...a little diva!!
Thanks everybody! It is an adorable outfit. The Children's Place is *THE PLACE* for kids clothes in my opinion. And I'm not just saying that because my Mom works there. She's actually pretty seriously fashion conscious. There was a lengthy discussion about the foot wear. IT was calling for rain, so the pink barbie boots if it was raining and her cowboy boots if it wasn't. She's way too funny.
Way to go Abby!!!! She is soooo big. I bet she will LOVE Kindergarten.
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