Boy things are a lot simpler when you're a kid. There's nothing much to worry about. You aren't overloaded with responsibility. You get all your important information from your parents. I mean if your parents told you it must be true. So when they tell you that if you keep making "that face" your face will stay like that, you believe them. Or when they tell you your imaginary friend is pregnant (and believe me that is a Friday Flashback post for another day) you believe them and likely kick her imaginary butt out of the house. And when they tell you that sweet little old lady who pinches your cheeks when you go to visit is named Grandma, well of course you believe them. Or at least my brother did. So back in the late 70's when my Great Aunt called, long distance, and asked for Emily my brother told her she had the wrong number and hung up. Because Grandma's name was..... well...... Grandma. Or so we'd be led to believe. Turns out, her name actually was Emily. Who knew? Not us, apparently. Thanks Mom and Dad. Oh and by the way, their names..... not actually Mom and Dad. Sneaky buggers.
Shan, when you're in the witness protection program - sometimes people forget their "real names".
sure doesn't look like you at all...however Dave looks like Dave!...come fuel me woman!....lol
Fun picture . I like that the Barbie outfit matches the scraf around your neck. Good post. See ya.
Sue, that would explain a lot.
Darlene, yeah he hasn't changed much. I tried to fuel you, wasn't working earlier.
Kellan, thanks.
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