These are doll houses and doll cribs my Grandpa made for my cousins and myself. I still have mine in the attic of our garage. I did have the doll bed until Abby recently sat in it and found out it didn't quite support the weight of her as it used when she was a toddler. My Grandpa also made me a rocking cradle and a high chair that got a fresh coat of paint when Abby was smaller. My Dad also made his fair share of projects including a magazine rack and a decorative shelf for my Grandma's salt and pepper shakers collection which now reside in my upstairs hall and Abby's bedroom respectively.
So after years of talking about it, Mike recently designed and built this:

It's a trailer for his r/c truck. I think it's fair to say he shocked himself on how "easily" he put this together not to mention how much he enjoyed it. What's more he found his confidence and began some tentative talk about the next project, something human size in scale this time. Since this is something I whole heartedly support I encouraged the talk and never at anytime did it occur to me I may be creating a monster.
This morning over cappuccino for him and tea for me the conversation turned to "the project". Before too long he had rough sketches on paper, the tape measure was out and he continued to talk me around in circles for the next hour or two. What type of wood? Overall dimensions? The merits of one design over another? Before I knew what hit me we were on our way to Home Depot with two kids in tow. Did I mention they are girl kids? Girl kids who have zero patience for Home Depot. Specifically the wood aisle at Home Depot. And their Dad, well he doesn't know what he's doing. Not sure what wood would be best. Should it be pine, oak, birch and what in the hell is white wood anyway? Should we paint it? Or no? No, stain would be better? What kind of stain? What kind of trim should we use on "the project"? Wait, should we use trim? Maybe an actual lumber yard would be a better choice than Big Orange. Or maybe wait until that partially finished Lowe's next door opens up? I have to say thank goodness Home Depot has those nifty Tony Stewart race car shopping carts even if Maya did spend the entire trip yelling beep beep anytime anybody came near the cart. Note to self, project shopping with two little girls on a Saturday is not the best use of any body's time.
I am pleased to announce, though, that wood was purchased and before my brains oozed out of my head. Cuts were made. Mistakes were made. Re-cuts will be made. "The Project" is under way, there is no turning back now. All estimates are "The Project" talks will be at an all time high for the foreseeable future.
Can't wait for the "reveal"! Whenever I go to Home Depot with my husband, I go to the front door section and say "holy crap" look how expensive these are. Every time.
You know what's funny Sue? Yesterday Abby was complaining about being in the wood aisle and then kept asking when we could go to the door aisle so she could look at the doors. She must have asked to go there a dozen times. When we finally zipped down that aisle on our way to some where else she was ticked that we didn't stop long enough for her to look at all the doors.
I knew that Abby was my kind of girl. First she's all fashionable, says very funny things - and now the doors. If you ever need someone to babysit her I will gladly take her shoe shopping and door watching.
nice job Mike.....Tim would be ever so proud....;-)
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