Sunday, December 30, 2007

2007 a look back

Well this little meme is all over the internets these days. It's the first sentence from the first blog post I wrote each month.

January - Abby: Mom, when is it Christmas again?

February - Four thirty this morning saw Abby up for a pee break and since she was awake she thought it was a good time to get some burning questions off her chest.

March - I have mentioned in the past that Abby has become fascinated with my make up, what little of it I have.

April -
I have recently been introduced to the totally addictive world that is

May -
Picked Abby up at the sitter's today and she went into full out temper tantrum mode because she DID NOT WANT TO GO HOME!!

June -
Well there's 24 cupcakes and one cake down and one more to go.

July -
Tonight we celebrated the fourth annual Roast Your Weenie Event.

August -
I was actually going to post this recipe a few weeks ago, but in the very same day my What's Cooking Wednesday BFF sognatrice posted this over at her blog, bleeding espresso.

September -
Don't ask me how this happened because I've never really been a girl who needs a lot of sleep.

October -
I am a BzzAgent. The nice people at the Central Hive gave me this product in exchange for my honest opinion and all the bzzz I can generate.

November - While watching TV tonight I turned to Mike and suggested that we get some Super 7 tickets for tomorrow night's draw being that the jackpot is up to $12 million.

December -
Tonight Abby lost a toy under the couch.

Check out this meme at:
Virtually There
Adventures in babyWearing
Postcards from the Mothership

Let me know if you play too.


Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

I love to see what everyone was up to all year!

Happy New Year!


Kellan said...

Hi Shan - I hope you and your family have a wonderful New Year and I hope to see you often in 2008. See you then. Kellan

Tish said...

Thanks for playing along, Shan! I love this meme. :)