Sunday, December 09, 2007


Maya is a little chatterbox, but as I have mentioned here before very rarely does any of what she says make sense. Well at least not to us, I'm sure it's quite clear to Maya herself. That of course doesn't help with the communication thing and often leads to frustration on both our parts. The truth of the matter is Maya is very close to turning two and I'd be lying if I didn't say the whole talking thing wasn't causing me some anxiety. I don't think of it as something to be alarmed about, just yet anyway, but I do see it as something I should keep and eye on. She has finally started to use some sign language, but I find she mostly uses it as a "parlour trick" rather than actual communication. I actually discussed this issue with some veteran Mom friends just this week about how concerned I should be in regards to this and wouldn't you know it brand new sentences have been flying out of her mouth all weekend. Actual sentences!

New things we've heard in the past few days:

"Me and my Abby."
"Want go play wif Abby."
"Mommy/Daddy need help."
"Daddy/Kitty/Abby hurt me."
"Guy-Cull!" translation - Michael
"I will" in response to be careful.

She still won't use her own name and insists on calling herself Baby. If you do ask her to say Maya she always responds with "Abby". As for what's making me laugh lately, when you ask her what sound Papa makes she snores. Very funny. Don't take my word for it though, listen for yourself: Maya Talks.

Okay clicking on the link will take you to youtube to watch a totally adorable clip of Maya chattering away. I can't put the player up on my site because for some reason it renders the ole web based homestead here unusable for those of you out there still using Internet Explorer*. Please excuse her dirty face she just fed herself a chocolate pudding. It is a bit of a long clip (about a minute and a half), so I don't recommend it for my fellow dial up users. Everyone else, if you're interested, enjoy!

*Yeah why don't you just download yourself a better browser already. Come on all the cool kids are doing it.


Anonymous said...

She is absolutely adorable eating that pudding. I actually look like that when I eat pudding :)

Shan said...

And I'm sure you're adorable too Suze. When you come for dinner... pudding for dessert:)

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

How adorable! And how fun to hear your voice too!

I love the mouth-smacking with the pudding. I'm going to start doing that as it looks like it makes the pudding taste even better ;)

Btw, my mom did receive those Nestle chocolate milk packets a little while ago--thank you!!!!!!

L Sass said...

Ahhh!!! Dying of cuteness over here! I can't believe she imitates Daddy's snoring.

Kellan said...

She is so cute and I think she sounds fine with her words - she'll get better - she will - she is doing fine. Thanks for sharing this cute video. See you soon. Kellan

Shan said...

sognatrice I think it might, also smearing it all over your face seems to help. Glad your Mom got the package, I hope the kids enjoy them.

Laurel the snoring is too cute. I make her do it all the time so I can have a chuckle, but she's actually imitating Mike's Dad. Papa was having a nap on the couch one of the last times she was over there and apparently snoring. She's done it ever since.

Kellan thanks. She has made huge strides just this weekend past. All of the sudden she's saying all kinds of new words. I knew she would get there, as they say she's just taking the long way around.