Thursday, December 13, 2007


Right now I have a teeny tiny squeaky little voice. The fact that I have been stricken with laryngitis does not bode well when talking represents a large part of my job description. My co-working friends find my lack of a voice down right hilarious and, as always, I am happy I could amuse them.

The last two days I have been straining to be heard, literally. So by the time I get home at night there really is almost nothing of my voice left, but there is still much talking left to do. I was getting Abby changed for bed and running through our usual end of the day conversation. What was your favourite part of today? Who did you sit with at lunch? Who was the happy helper and more importantly who did they pick to take the attendance down to the office with them? As we finished up she looked at me very seriously and said, "Mommy, we have to get that frog out of your throat."

Which was funny, so I laughed, but nobody could hear me. She stared at me a minute longer rather intently. You could almost see the wheels turning and then she asked....

"How did that frog get in there anyway?"


Anonymous said...

Abby is too funny.

darlene said...

so glad your voice is back....;-)

Kellan said...

This was so cute! They take things so literally sometimes, don't they?? Just wait until she gets older - they won't take anything literally and act always as though they never heard you, can't remember, misunderstood ... enjoy it while it lasts - it is so much fun! Have a good weekend Shan and thanks for coming over - I always enjoy seeing you and coming to read your posts - you are such a fine and funny writer. Take care. Kellan