Saturday, January 19, 2008

and a good time was had by all

Well I think it's safe to assume that Maya's second birthday party was a raging success despite the broken chocolate fountain. At least I think it might be broken, but it very likely could be user error as well. Remind me not to take Michael's advice over the clearly worded instructions will you? Thanks.

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As usual we had way too much food. A menu that consisted of cauliflower soup, chili, meatballs, buns, meat, several salads and a potato casserole. And a guest of honour that ate exactly one piece of pizza and about 12 Doritos. Oh and zero birthday cake. Even though it was a killer one.

2008-01-19 008

Maya dislike of opening presents continued. In fact she was much more interested in the book she had left at Robin's house last time we were there than she was wrapping paper. So I opened her presents solo for the most part.

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When we got home she was crawling all over them to see what she got. I guess she likes to roll with her own schedule.

Abby was thrilled that Uncle Dave could make it, literally shrieking when he walked in the door. Too bad Auntie Mel couldn't make the trip, but we hope she's feeling better and gets her rest. We missed you Melly!

The girls (mine and Robins) had a great time playing with the helium balloons Granny brought. Surprisingly Papa only had to get the ladder out three times to save balloons from the ceiling. Another two times a nail in a big stick solved the problem on a somewhat more permanent basis.

And that concludes Maya's birthday for another year. Happy birthday Doodle Bug!

1 comment:

darlene said...

happy birthday Maya....!!