Sunday, January 20, 2008

two princesses, one throne

One of the biggest hits of Maya's birthday has been the Barbie throne that Granny's friend Linda picked up for her. It's everything a Barbie throne should be, pink, ornate and with stunning jewelry that conveniently embeds itself in the seat back when it's not being used. Oh and it plays a rather royal sounding tune whenever butt meets chair. There is of course just one problem... a princess, newly admitted into the terrible twos, who doesn't want to share.

2008-01-21 002


Karen said...

Oh, Emily would go ga-ga for that thing... and she and Hope would definitely be having a few words about it.

Anonymous said...

Maya does have that look on her face like "This is mine. Do not even try to sit here. Go away. Mine, I tell ya!"

roxie said...

Maya and Queen Elizabeth:"I will relinquish my throne at my death, and not one moment before."

Family Adventure said...

Oh this is too, too funny. Your last line is definitely my favourite sentence today in the blogosphere. And her look in that picture? Priceless :)
