Thursday, January 17, 2008

eating healthy

I wouldn't necessarily call it a New Year's resolution because I don't want to condemn the entire project to failure, but we've been trying to make some healthier food choices around here. Trying to eat a little better, even if it means sneaking the cauliflower in with the banana bread. It's actually a pretty daunting task when you take the time to start reading food labels. Often what you think is your best (read healthiest) option quite simply isn't.

Take, for example, the Oatmeal Crisp cereal Mike has been eating of late, thinking he was making a smart food choice. I mean it's oatmeal, it has to be good for you right? Turns out in comparison to the box of *chocolate* Lucky Charms Grandma Linda picked up for the girls it isn't. Per serving the Lucky Charms had less calories, fat, carbohydrates, and sugar. Sugar! Can you believe that one. And it's made with whole grains.

So I didn't feel bad at all putting Lucky Charms into Abby's lunch today. Especially when you take in account the fibre, protein, iron, B6, folate and the thiamine she's getting.

Bag o Lucky Charms

Of course I think those things only count if you actually eat the cereal and not just the marshmallows.


Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

So depressing when you actually try to eat healthy and the food industry screws you. Good on you for label comparing, though--always better to be informed.

And I had no idea there were chocolate Lucky Charms. I'm a sucker for sugary cereal ;)

roxie said...

I suppose plain old Cheerios just won't cut it for lunch snackies? For breakfast on cold days, I like Shredded Wheat with hot milk.

Shan said...

BE - I think it may be one of those "limited edition" type deals, I'm not sure. We don't normally buy them so I don't know.

Roxie - Yep we do Cheerios too. They're actually working on a box of the Fruity Cheerios which are better than Froot Loops. The Lucky Charms were a treat from Grandma. I don't buy them because I know given the option she'll only eat the marshmallows, but then what kid wouldn't.