Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What's cooking wednesday - sneaky brownies


Jessica Seinfeld's book Deceptively Delicious has really inspired me to try and sneak veggies into the kids food whenever I think it will be possible to get away with it. So far it's been hugely successful, with the small exception of the "weird" tasting pasta I fed to Abby. I put a titch too much carrot in it for her tastes. Maya, who had the same amount, was totally oblivious.

I usually try to do some baking once a week. Something lunch worthy that I can put in the freezer and not have to worry about it for the rest of the week. Last week Abby requested brownies because she loves chocolate and where she saw a treat, I saw an opportunity. And bonus, it was an easy one too.

Sneaky Brownies

Sneaky Brownies

1 pkg brownie mix
1/2 cup pureed carrots
handful of mini marshmallows, optional

Prepare brownie mix according to the package directions, adding the pureed carrots prior to mixing the batter. Bake according to the package directions. When they come out of the oven top with a couple of handfuls of mini marshmallows and put the pan back under the broiler. Watch it closely because those marshmallows will burn very easily. When marshmallows are at the desired "doneness" remove from the oven and serve.

Recipe Notes: I made my brownies in little heart shaped tins. I believe Reynolds Wrap makes them. Oh and I used a low fat brownie mix. The girls thought this was the greatest treat in the world, little did they know it was actually "good" for them. Well better than brownies normally are anyway. I did half the batch with the marshmallows which Abby loved and Mike didn't. The plain ones were great for popping in her lunch. The marshmallow ones were too sticky. You could definitely do this very same thing with your own homemade brownies. I just wasn't feeling all that ambitious that day. Plus I have a certain fondness for mix brownies. Chocolate was one of my pregnancy cravings when I was expecting Abby. I made a lot of brownies those 9 months.

Here's Maya after I told her one brownie was enough, she could have another one tomorrow.

2008-02-09 008

So yeah, big hit around here.

What is What's Cooking Wednesday and how can I play?

What's cooking Wednesday was born out of a desire to get out of that what's for dinner rut. Playing is easy, on Wednesday post a recipe that has been tried and tested by you and then pop over here and add your name to the Mr. Linky. When entering your name also add the name of the recipe in brackets and make sure you link to your What's Cooking Wednesday post and not just your blog's front page. And don't forget to link back here, the home of What's Cooking Wednesday.

So for example I would write Shan (Speedy Chicken Stir Fry) in the name section. For the URL section I would post this: http://shanrev.blogspot.com/2007/10/whats-cooking-wednesday-speedy-chicken.html

I'll let you in on a little secret. Much to Kaffy's chagrin, my WCW recipes are almost never made on a Wednesday. So feel free to cook and photograph whenever you have time and join us posting on Wednesday.


Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Those *are* sneaky. I'm loving this book, and I don't even have kids (yet, hopefully) :)

Jen said...

Shan, beets are a natural combination with chocolate. There are tons of beet/chocolate recipes out there that are WONDERFUL! This looks like a great idea, too, though!

Anonymous said...

I love the dissapointed look on Maya's face. They must be very good. I will try them on my grandchildren

the life partner

darlene said...

so glad this book has helped!!...too bad none us thought of it...

anno said...

Carrots! Oooh, that is sneaky! Sounds wonderful!

Karen said...

I'm liking this recipe. I'm totally going to try that with my brownie recipe. I'm starting to think I should get the book, or I could just keep taking your WCW recipes.

Anonymous said...

If you ever bake something for me, would you sneak in say, more chocolate or something, instead of vegetables? Pretty please :)

Shan said...

BE - Just think you'll be ahead of the curve.

Jen - There are recipes with beets in the book as well. I just happened to have pureed carrot in the freezer. I'll have to search out some more recipes.

tlp - Let me know how they like them.

Darlene - yeah no kidding.

anno - sneaky is good around here.

Karen - let me know how the girls like them.

Suze - absolutely!