Sunday, March 30, 2008

earth hour

This year we've been making a conscious effort to live greener. Last year we were sporadic users of our green cart. Recently we've started leaving a "garbage bowl" out on the counter and that has really helped in making sure our organic garbage goes in the green cart rather than the garbage can. We are thisclose to making the one bag limit with our garbage and our blue boxes runneth over. We've switched to a biodegradable plant based soap and are slowing switching our other cleaners to greener products. So, not surprisingly, last night we did observe Earth Hour.

2008-03-30 018

I have to say I was really surprised with how Abby jumped all over this and made it *her* cause. She checked in with her Grandparents and our neighbour across the street making sure they had their lights off and their candles on. Typically her bed time is 8, but we let her stay up and we played Tractor Tipping to pass the hour. After we dispatched her to bed, we kept the lights off, but caved on the TV. Although we turned it on to watch the first episode of the BBC's Planet Earth documentary (which is fabulous by the way, you should watch it immediately) so I'm kind of hoping that makes it okay. Did you observe Earth Hour? If so what did you do? Or do you think it's all a bunch of hoo ha?


darlene said...

WTG!!....good for you,so proud of you guys!!... ya did way better then me at this, then again....You are the better ya tell me!..hee hee...Hey my intention was there.....ah well....

Merry said...

We turned our lights off too! Dewey did a bit of eye rolling but I won. I read my book with a tiny booklight though I must admit....we left the TV on b/c hockey was on. You KNOW it wasn't my idea. Though I must say, they had a commercial where David Suzuki came on & said "Turn the lights off to observe Earth Hour but leave the TV least until the end of the game". Too funny.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome!
re: Planet Earth. My in-laws gave the series to us on DVD. Each episode is more amazing than the last.

Mommy Project said...

Good thing Abby didn't check in with us. :-/
Unfortunately, we didn't do so well bc the kids were staying over at their Grandma's so Dave could get more work done on painting the kitchen (and he really needed some light for that) and I was organizing photos on the computer (that is an overwhelming task, I discovered). But, the T.V. was off! So, hopefully that counts for something.

Good for you all, though!!!! :)

Leah said...

I was a lame brain and didn't even remember about it. sigh... I puttered at my computer with lights ablaze and created a new banner for a friend's blog, and then edited some pictures, and swapped over my husband's laundry. Talk about going the opposite direction, but it wasn't intentional!!

I'm glad Abby enjoyed the experience. I think it's important to include our children in things like this. They're the ones that will inherit the Earth and teaching them early on to respect and take care of it, can only bode well for the future!!!

Shan said...

darlene - intention is good!

merry - i was surprised Mike was the one telling the girls no TV. Abby was okay with it, but Maya was miffed to be giving up Playhouse Disney.

andrea- we're two episodes in and we're both awestruck. Absolutely amazing.

mommy - she was going to call you, trust me. Then she looked down the street and couldn't see any lights. Don't worry I won't rat you out.

leah - thanks, we're trying. And don't worry there's always next year.