Monday, March 31, 2008

spreading the linky love #10

Okay okay okay. Heidi wins! I think it's safe to say she has more snow then both Karen and I put together. They sure do know how to have fun in it over there though.

Mike is in the process of dismantling our home office, getting it ready to paint. We've been at odds about what should be done with the long wall opposite my desk. This room is like a bowling alley and that long expanse of wall needs something. Then I saw this over at Bloggin' With Bobbi and I was sold. As for Mike.... he's going to have to get himself sold on it too.

Our poor good natured kitty puts up with a lot from these girls of ours. Thank goodness he is so patient with them, even when Maya is determined to carry him a around come hell or high water. *link is to video of Maya trying to convince me to pick up the cat for her so she can carry him around and she is not taking no for an answer. It clocks in at about a minute thirty so I don't recommend it to my dial up friends.

I was reading this post over at Don Mills Diva and nodding my head the entire time. It's perfect.

Okay so maybe I didn't follow the rules exactly, but if you're interested in playing another movie quote game, check out Dani's at Postcards from the Mothership.

This sounds very much like an evening at my house.

1 comment:

Don Mills Diva said...

Awww - how sweet of you to give me some linky love!


And those wings up there look delish!