This picture hangs above the dryer in our laundry room. Once upon a time it used to hang with two of it's sisters at Papa Joyce's house. I guess truly they were triplets since it was three copies of the same print hanging on the wall. The story goes, she had been shopping and seen them displayed like that in a store. She liked the look so much she bought a set of three for herself and displayed them on the wall in her home. At least until the teasing she took for having three copies of the same print hanging in a row became to much. Then two of them found a new home under Papa Joyce's bed.
Now we are a family that likes to tease and poke fun. And a funny story can live on indefinitely or at least until someone does something
I should pause here to mention Uncle GMac may be the "worst" of us all for practical jokes. Every year the big stocking is filled with his "gifts". Contributions that have, in the past, included a roll of toilet paper with about 4 squares left, a dead plant, an ancient box of salt less than an eighth full, and he's not above gifting you items he's found lying around your own house either. In hindsight, we were taking a big risk bringing him on as a partner in our Christmas gift practical joke. Of course we didn't realize that at the time.
Christmas day rolls around and we are practically giddy with what will transpire at some point in the gift opening process. I'm sure there was a lot of knowing eye contact and elbow nudging going on. And then in a move we didn't predict we were handed two identically wrapped packages. One for Mike and I, one for his brother. We unwrapped them to find twin pictures that just so happened to have a matching sibling hanging on the wall at Papa Joyce's house. We sat there with our mouths hanging agape while Papa Joyce chuckled on the couch and Uncle GMac sat smiling smugly in the corner, having just pulled off a successful Christmas doublecross.
That's hysterical!! What did you do with the other print?
I'm sorry for your loss, but glad you have some fun memories to look back on!
A good memory
Too funny too
Widney - I believe the other print ended up at Grandma Linda and Papa's house.
Cristan - thanks. And yes we do have lots of those.
Angela - it is, thanks.
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