Thursday, October 23, 2008

maybe one day?

Oh why do you tease me so, high speed internet? Over and over again last night I see the slick new commercial for Roger's new Rocket Stick. Mobile high speed internet in stick form. Internet, which according to the tv, has that young lady high speed surfing in a canoe in the middle of a lake. On a hay bale in the middle of a field. On an iceberg in the Arctic Circle. In a space station as she circles the earth and so on. You get the gist.

I'm not sure how exactly it works, but I'm guessing it has something to do with magic internet fairies that carry the signal very fast to this little jump drive looking thing you plug into a USB port. Call me niave if you want, but the commercial led me to believe this product have a vast coverage area. I mean she's using it in a canoe folks. Turns out the high speediness stops about 10 kms from my house. What is up with that?

Of course they promise that the coverage area will be expanding soon. Yeah sure it will. Let me tell you a little story about that. Twenty-five years ago, my parents bought this house. As a family we were making the big move from the city to a more rural area. There was no cable. I distinctly recall my father asking the cable company when we could expect cable to be available out in are area. The answer........ soon. Twenty-five years folks and there is still no cable out here! That may tell me all I need to know.


Mommy Project said...

Oh dear. When we moved here they told us cable and high-speed would be coming "soon", too. I think I just lost all hope.

Betsy Hart said...

Sorry you are stuck with what you have... hopefully soon. :)

YOu will have an award on my blog tomorrow, by the way :)

Valarie said...

I yell at my computer for being slow and we have a super fast connection. I think my monitor would have a big hole in the middle of it if we didn't have that option!!

Shan said...

Normie - sorry I had to burst your bubble like that.

Betsy - I've been doing some hunting online and may have found an option that will work.

Valarie - It does take a lot of patience. And I can't help, but think how much more I could get done if it was just a little faster!


Don't give up hope. It could come soon. My in-laws moved outside of city limits and were told it would cost something like $10,000 per mile to have cable lines run. Not sure what happened exactly, but they have cable now. And they didn't have to pay for it to be run.