Wednesday, October 29, 2008

where's the escape hatch?

It is still dark. My alarm has gone off, but I'm not quite ready to get out of bed yet. I hear Abby's bedroom door open and close. Then she is beside me in bed. We exchange whispered good mornings and she lays down with her head resting on my stomach. We're quiet for a moment while I rub her back and then she asks......

So how did Maya get out of your tummy anyway?

And here I thought I had a few more years before I'd have to come up with answer to that question.


Leah said...

ack! That one came up at our house when Emily was almost four and Connor was almost ready to be born. Thankfully, her question was purely how he was getting out, and NOT how he got IN. I can handle answering how he was getting OUT! LOL

Gotta love those morning moments that really WAKE YOU UP!!!

Cristan said...

Aack! My 3.5 year old son asked me the same thing last night! I tried to say, well, the doctor did I wasn't he didn't cut a hole in my tummy...well I guess I sorta "pooped" you out. That convo ended in gales of laughter!

Julie said...

So what did you say??? as Max was breech I had to have a c-section. Might make it easier to answer, or more traumatic!

darlene said...

and the answer was?....come on over and get your

Angela said...

It is magic.

Good luck

Mommy Project said...

Yep. Getting a lot of those questions around here, believe me!

How does the baby get? The doctor cuts a hole in my tummy and pulls the baby out, just like with you two. No, it didn't hurt...I was completely numbed (easy-peasy).

How the baby got in there? Pardon me? What did you ask? Sorry, couldn't hear you. Oh, how the baby got in...umm..well, that's just where the baby grows. What do you mean? That's just where the baby grows. I don't think I understand the question...stall...stall...(note to self: look up suitable way to answer this question in professional parenting book before I scar my kids for life).


Shan said...

Leah - I thought it was funny it took her nearly three years to ask.

Cristan - That's funny.

Julie - I didn't actually get around to answering her and she was on to the next thing. Dodged a bullet there. Abby was breech as well, but I still managed to deliver her... bum first. Not my first choice, nor the doctor's but Abby was already making her appearance when I got to the hospital. There was no time for anything else.

Darlene - Didn't have to answer her. I got off lucky.

Angela - it sure is.

Normie - Well I can see why it would be a big question around your place. It was a little surprising to hear it over here. and thankfully no questions yet of how she got there.