Friday, November 14, 2008

bit of this bit of that

Here's the thing about head lice, when you think you're finished and gotten every last one, you do one more sweep and find half a dozen more. I love Abby to death, but I am so sick of looking at the back of her head from half an inch away. And she is tired of me grooming her as if we were spider monkeys. Also whenever you mention the word head lice, your head will get itchy.

So I just started reading Twilight, which I wasn't sure if I was going to like, but decided to read to see what all of the hype is about. And yeah it's sucked me right in. I'm not very far in, but very interested to see what happens next. So I figure next time I see Robin and the girls, Courtney and I will be huddled in the corner talking about how awesome Twilight is and how much we love Edward while Robin rolls her eyes at us. Thank goodness Heather loaned me all four books!

Did you know that librarians wear black patent mary janes with no socks or nylons? Or so Abby tells me. I asked her if her librarian at school wore those shoes and she looked at me like I was crazy and said no.

I've been tidying up my digital world, dealing with email, organizing pictures, attempting to update my cell phone information (hate that site... so slow!!) and clearing out my requests on facebook. I had, literally, hundreds of requests for dope wars, mob wars, dots, green patch and all those applications folks like to send around. So I sifted through them this morning ignoring the ones I wasn't interested in and accepting the few I was. Would you believe I had over 50 requests for the same application from the same person? Dude, seriously?! Fifty?! I would say after I hadn't responded to... oh I don't know.... five requests, oddds are I'm not interested. I do have to give them an A in persistence.

And a tiny dinner update. Abby loves that she now has input into what's going on the dinner table. She's been keeping track all week of who's night it is. Not surprisingly she has done better this week than her sister. Maya has eaten dinner only on the nights it's something already on her "acceptable food list". One night at bedtime (after she had refused dinner) she asked if she could have breakfast. I told her sure she could in the morning and she went to bed with no complaint. And Abby was reintroduced to a meal she used to love before Maya became old enough to influence her choices. So we have one kid eating, one kid not so much, but there's been no screaming or temper tantrums so I feel I can call this week a success.


Julie said...

The Twilight series is incredible. It sucked me right in and I am sure you will go through a 4 books in to time. Can't wait to hear what you think of them.

Glad to hear dinner time is getting a little easier. I imagine Maya will jump on board in due time.

Heather said...

My box of the Twolight series arrived yesterday. I was up till nearly 1 am reading. I'm 1/2 way through Twilight and the other three are sitting here waiting for me. With all the hype, I had no idea it was a 'young adult' book - I'm quite enjoying it though!

Sorry to hear about your < scratch, scratch > - I can't type it :o)

Shan said...

Julie - I wish I had more free time just to read because I am dying to know what's going to happen. I actually snuck in a couple of pages while I was upstairs getting the kids jammies.

Yes me too. Maya is still refusing to eat most things, but she's doing so nicely, so I really can't ask for more than that. Abby is doing remarkably well. She ate roast beef tonight and tried mashed potatoes. A minor victory.

Heather - I'm about a third of the way into Twilight. I went into it knowing it was a "young adult book", but was very surprised it doesn't read like one.

Anonymous said...

I found this great product, designed by a mom who was sick and tired of head lice. She invented the Bug Bag and it is now being used by over 50% of all schools throughout Europe. It is the only product that I know of the actually prevents the spread of head lice so I got together with the pTA, collected money and we now have a Bug Bag for every kid in the school. You can find it on
Hopefully you won't have to deal with this problem any more.
Good Luck.