Friday, December 19, 2008

so thankful

I don't even have to check to know that The Mommy Project is MIA for this week's Thankful Thursday. There is just way too much stuff going on across the street. I'm hoping things settle down for them soon. Even still I will continue making myself 25% happier, by listing five things I am thankful for this week.

1. As much as I have to say in this little space of mine, there is much I do not speak of here. So without going into further detail I'd like to say I am thankful for reconciliations. For both myself and Michael. It's been a big week here and I am happy.

2. The Rocket ornament. Do you know the show Little Einsteins? Easily Maya's favourite show in the world. This year Hallmark had released a Rocket (the rocket ship on the show) ornament that my Mom picked up for her. I gave it to her tonight and you would have thought I had given her the moon. It stayed in her hand all night while she hit the button to replay the song over and over again while flying Rocket through the air. It melted my heart to see something so small give her so much joy.

2b. My Mom. Thanks for the ornaments... all of them.... over the years.

3. I am thankful for a day off tomorrow. I'll either be at Abby's Christmas lunch/concert or we'll be snowed in. Either way sounds good to me.

4. My cookie scoop. You have no idea how many dozens of cookies I have made and how many I have left to go. It's only thanks to the scoop that I'm even attempting this.

4b. Grandma Linda for the cookie scoop. Best gift evah!

5. Heazer for loaning me all four Twilight books. My brother will totally mock the poop out of me next week while he's here for reading them because he's a book snob. What can I say... they're good. I don't ask much of my books. I just want to be entertained. Mission accomplished. Well done Stephanie Meyer. Even if I do hate you, just a little bit.

And just because I can......

Reason #6 ~

Dave and Mel are coming back home from Holland next week!!! I can't even stand it I am so excited!!!!


Betsy Hart said...

I LOVED the twilight books :)

Julie said...

Glad to hear you enjoyed the Twilight books. I haven't seen the movie yet. Wondering if it will ruin the fantasy. One question: what the Heck is a cokoie scoop???

Mommy Project said...

Ohhh...a cookie scoop. Cool! Dave and I were at one of those "Chef Stores" the other day (we got a pizza stone and a "peel"). I swear, I could spend a million dollars in there (there, and Chapters). They even had pie birds. So cute! And Emile Henry pie plates worth a gabillion dollars. Drool.

Thanks for playing again!! You're the best!!!!!! Hope you are keeping warm and having fun today.
My list is (finally) up.

Shan said...

Betsy - they are a fun read.

Julie - I find that happens more often then not. And a cookie scoop is like a ice cream scoop only smaller. If you make cookies, even a little bit, it is a worthwhile kitchen purchase.

Normie - Oh I could spend a fortune there myself. Aww you're the best!