Wednesday, January 07, 2009

again with the twilight

So yeah, I have it. Twilight mania. I just finished the series. The fourth one was my favourite, just in case you were out there wondering. And I already want to read them again. Seriously! It's weird. I am so not a 14 year old girl and yet here I am acting like one. Just as I predicted Courtney and I discussed the book at length this weekend when Robin and the crew were over. The fourth book was also her favourite and she's re-reading it for the elventy billionth time. I just don't get it. Is there cocaine on the pages? What makes it so appealing? I mean I read it and I don't get it. I haven't been this invested in characters in a book since my preteen obsession with the Sweet Valley High Series. Oddly enough the Sweet Valley series was criticized for a plot line that had one of the twins falling in love with a vampire and another one that had both of them battling a werewolf.

I haven't seen the movie yet and probably won't until it comes out on dvd because Mike will not go see it with me and Robin's already seen it and that would be it for my list of potential dates. Well I guess I could talk Grandma Linda into going, but she hasn't read the book yet. And it's only speculation at this point that she'd even want to read the book. Even though she does because we're pretty much book soul mates. Whatever she reads I read and vice versa.

All this to say I was damn excited when I popped over to my buddy Julie's blog and saw she had taken a Twilight quiz. What choice did I have, but to take it and find out that...

I'm a Esme! I found out through Which Twilight Female Are You? Take the quiz and find out!
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!

You are thoughtful and care very deeply for your family. A loving home is of great
importance to you and you always try to make people feel welcome. Although you have a great capacity to love, you also have a great capacity to hurt, so at times you can be
sensitive. You're firm when you need to be, but people trust your judgment and
appreciate the kind way you always handle things.

Oh my gosh that is so me! Truly!

And which Twilight heroine are you?

Thanks to Twilighters Anonymous for the great quiz!


Julie said...

Ack! I didn't notice the blurb for mine. I'll have to go back. Too fun, isn't it? I totally agree with not understanding the why or how, but I am so invested in these characters too. Maybe even more than Harry Potter!

H Munro said...

Just started reading your blog, I am friends with Julie. Her and I were Twilight buddies and are hoping to see the movie soon.
I am also Esme...might be a mother thing.