Monday, January 19, 2009

dear maya

Dear Maya

Today you turn three. Which is hard to believe. It can't be just three short years you've been helping make up the center of my life. You're tiny, my Little My Pie, but at the same time everything about you is big. Your emotions, your love, your temper, your ideas. All big.

There seems to be this definite noticeable shift with you. All of the sudden you're taller. I can tell by your short pants. Your posture, your mannerisms all scream that you are no longer a toddler, but a pre-schooler. Even if it will be two more years before you begin school thanks to having your birthday at the beginning of the year.

School will be an interesting experience with you. One I am both looking forward to and dreading just a little bit. Abby, I always knew, was ready for school. I knew that she was going to love school. You, I am not so sure about, but I don't think the issue will be your ability.

You're one smart little cookie. You've been able to identify numbers one through ten for six months or more. This past week you've turned your attention to the alphabet and are now able to recognize most of the letters. It boggles my mind that you've apparently taught yourself this skill. You love to do puzzles and manage to put even brand new ones together in no time. What's interesting when you put a puzzle toegther is there is very little fumbling. You know which piece you need next and discard the others with a firm no as you set it aside.

What I do worry about is how you will handle the structure. The sitting quietly on the carpet, waiting your turn, lining up, having your day broken into pre-determined sections. You like things by your terms or what I let you believe are your terms. I wonder if you'll be the kid that Miss Kindergarten Teacher has to put at the front of the group so you're always within arms reach to keep you focused. Then again you could surprise me. You usually do.

For all my complaining about your temper and the temper tantrums and the battles I wage with you almost daily on a myriad of things you truly are the sweetest child. You have so much love you give so freely to your Dad, Abby and I. You demand Abby hug you when she gets home from school or after any separation. You request kisses from Daddy using your little finger to point out the exact spot he needs to put them. This past weekend as you watched me decorate your birthday cake with your beloved Rocket you told me I was awesome. You know just the right moment to snake those little arms around me neck and whisper in my ear, I wub you Mama. You never fail to say God bless you if you hear one of us sneeze. Even if we happen to be in different rooms. Or ask if we're okay after a cough.

Of course you can also go from zero to pouting in record time. One's never sure what will set it off, but it could be something as simple as a "new" face at the dinner table. Change is a hard thing for you. You're still wearing a winter hat that used to be Abby's before you came along and Lord help the person that tries to put one of the half a dozen new ones you got this winter on you. You have been known to attempt to yank off a new outfit and have gone to the sitter in your jammies because the getting you dressed just wasn't worth the fight at that time of the morning. Luckily once we get you past that initial hump you usually do okay, but boy getting there can be a real drag on your poor Mommy's patience. I used to think I had a lot of it, but you can go through it all pretty quick some days. It's been an amazing journey, these past three years with you. I cannot wait to see what experiences three will bring to us.

I love you
Mommy xo


Julie said...

Happy Birthday Maya! You are one of two of the luckiest girls in the world to have the Mommy that you do. Yeah 3!

Mommy Project said...

That is really sweet. Such a nice post.

Leah said...

I loved reading that. Brought tears to my eyes. So much of that could have been written about Connor, it was truly a bit "scary". Dan and I slid Connor into an opening in the 2's class at Jared's current preschool (where J is in the 4's class), DESPERATELY hoping that he'll catch on to the whole "sit and listen" "transition from one activity to another without fuss" "share with others" "etc" while his current inability to do so is far more age-appropriate and accepted than it will be next year in the 3's class. We debate at night how many phone calls we'll get a week from teachers in Connor's future. LOL!!!!

Maya sounds like a beautiful loving little girl and it's been fun to read about her antics for the length of time that I have been following your blog. It's truly a relief to see that there are other "connors" in life and other mommies who fight the battles, but love the strength of the personality and the soul behind those battles.

Happy Birthday Maya. Hope your day was truly fabulous!!

Kaci said...

Very sweet!! Happy Birthday lil one!

Betsy Hart said...

Brought tears here too... what a beautiful tradition to start with your children.

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Aw, so cute! Hope Maya had a great birthday :)

Angela said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet girl who knows exactly what she wants
Mommys and Daddys just have to remember that is a good thing.


Shan said...

Julie - aww thanks that's so sweet of you to say.

Normie - thanks buddy!

Leah - yes I wonder about the phone calls too. I've already warned the kindergarten teacher at Abby's school to prepare herself because Maya is the exact opposite of her
sister. On the other hand she doesn't start until
2010. Things could be totally different. Here's

Kaci - thanks.

Betsy - thanks, I thought so too.

Michelle - i think she did :)

Angela - it's hard some days, but I try.