Thursday, January 22, 2009

more of thankful thursday

I wouldn't count on a Thankful Thursday post from my buddy The Mommy Project since she's getting ready to bring Baby K into the world tomorrow. I am so very excited for her! And cannot wait to meet the little one! Not to mention find out her name already! Aside from the arrival of Baby K this is what I'm thankful for....

1) Never having had a bladder infection myself because from what I hear they SUCK! Although that knowledge would be helpful as I try to diagnose what exactly Maya's problem is tonight. "My bum bum isn't working." Just isn't descriptive enough. Ninety minutes of late night problem solving, on my own, is leading me to believe it's a "colon issue" and let's leave it at that.

2) Dr. Google. What a wonderful and truly terrifying thing it is to be able to search your own symptoms online and have good ole Dr. Google spit out a diagnosis for ya.

3) Maya just peed on the toilet. For reals y'all! All on her own. And without appearing to be in any pain. She's got some rapid fire machine gun toots going on though and is in much better spirits.

4) Evenings spent hanging out with family, just chatting.

5) That my baby sitter is a hairdresser too. I have yet to see either of the girls get their hair cut. One less thing I have to schedule into our evening hours is good with me.


Julie said...

I hope it turned out just to be gas. If she complains of "itching" or "burning" I had a lot of yeast infections when I was little. Just something to keep at the back of your mind. I'm too much of a hyprocondriac (sp?) to try Dr. Google. I'm sure I'd think I was dying of menengitis when I only have a headache!

Betsy Hart said...

YAY! Happy thankful thursday! :) Glad she finally peed in the potty :)

Unknown said...

Go Maya! And go you for the patience. Hope she is ok.

Shan said...

Julie - she seemed fine today. No complaining, so I'm assuming gas.

Betsy - Me too. I just hope it wasn't a one time deal.

City Girl - She seems to be. Thanks.