Wednesday, January 21, 2009

if only the potty training were this easy

Tonight at bedtime there wasn't a sucky to be found. Mike and I both searched the house from one end to the other and came up empty handed. She has three suckies on the go, so we should have been able to lay our hands on one, but it was not to be. While we were searching Maya had already gone upstairs and climbed into bed and she laid there waiting for me to tuck her in.

After Mike and I had searched our way through and backtracked to do it again there was really nothing left to do, but go upstairs and tuck her in. When I got up there she held her arms out for her blanky and asked for a glass of water. She wasn't mentioning the missing sucky so neither did I. It was when I came back with the water that she told me she "needed my sucky." I told her honestly that I couldn't find it, but when I did she could have it. She said okay and rolled over.

That was it.

She went to sleep with out it.

I still can't believe it. I have also yet to find a sucky, but that will be my mission. I must find them before she does and get rid of them. She's proven that she's capable of going without one, so I better jump on that.


Karen said...

That's great. You deserve an easy gimme.

Julie said...

Awesome. A sign of easier times to come? There's always hope! ;-)

Betsy Hart said...

SWEET!! Mine gave her's to the babies on her third birthday for a bike!

Leah said...

awesome! Jared was 18 months old or so and we decided to start working on getting rid of the binkies because I was pregnant with Connor and didn't want two babies with binkies at the same time. He cried for 20 minutes at his nap without his, cried for 10 minutes that night without it, and never cried about it again. LOL

I love it when things we expect to be major fights end up not being fights at all...

yay for Maya!

Chantal said...

OMG yes, find them and get rid of them! Amazing. Soothers were my oldest sons addiction and it was VERY VERY hard to get him to let them go.

Shan said...

Karen - yeah I kind of thought so too.

Julie - I hope so.

Leah - Today was a little trying. She was asking for it tonight at bedtime. They're all still lost so I couldn't even have a moment of weakness and give in.

Chantal - Same with Abby. Although she gave them up pretty easily in the end. I'm still on the lookout for them.