Sunday, January 11, 2009

searching for mr right

This morning found both girls piled in bed with Mike and I which is fairly typical for a weekend morning. Maya (with sucky firmly in her mouth) has climbed up into my lap and I am rehashing a conversation with her that we'd had last night at bedtime. One she was much more agreeable to last night then she appears to be this morning.

Me: So we're going to give your sucky to Jamie's baby, right?
Maya: blinks
Me: Right?
Maya: blinks and then slowly nods her head
Me: So we'll take your sucky over to Jamie's Mom and tell her she can have it for the new baby.
Maya: blinks
Me: Because you're a big girl and big girl's don't need suckies.
Maya: No! I a baby!

Which is a cute little story until Abby says............

Abby: I have NO idea who I'm going to marry!

What?! - Which is what I would have asked her if I hadn't been laughing so hard that I had to concentrate on not peeing my pants.


Mommy Project said...

Ha ha ha ha! That is so funny. Kids come out with the most random stuff, don't they? BTW...if it helps Abby out any with her decision making process...I think Maddie has moved on past D.-boy now (after 3 years!!).

Betsy Hart said...

LOL! That is funny about Abby. lol. And I would be skeptical if I were Maya too. :P

Leah said...


Gotta love the randomness of little kids!!! That's hilarious!

Emily told me when she was almost 3 that she was goign to marry Joe from the storytime program we were in, and by 3.5 she'd moved onto to planning on marrying Justin from her preschool class. Now marriage is something to be thought about only years and years from now because she's, "just a kid still, mom"

Shan said...

Normie - Really? Well who would have thought!

Betsy - no kidding.

Leah - Oh that's too funny! You have to wonder what their thought process is like.