Tuesday, January 13, 2009

what's cooking wednesday - pizza fondue

The night of our big Christmas celebration with Robin, Tim and the girls I decided to make some appetizers to munch on before dinner. I can't remember when I stumbled across the Year of Crockpotting Blog, but I'm pretty sure I was tipped off by the Mommy Project. Ever since I've been reading and saving recipes to try at a later date. This seemed like the perfect night to try out her pizza fondue. Between the two of us there are 6 girls so this seemed like it would be a huge hit. Kids love pizza!

Pizza Fondue

Pizza Fondue

1 cup pasta sauce
1/2 tsp Italian seasoning
10 pieces pepperoni, diced
1 cup shredded cheese

Count out 10 pieces of pepperoni. Then eat the rest of the package.
Put the pasta sauce into your Little Dipper, and plug it in. Add the Italian seasoning and diced pepperoni. Shove in the cup of shredded cheese. I promise it will fit. Cover and leave plugged in (there are no heat settings on a Little Dipper) for 45 min or so.

Stir well and serve with tortilla chips, bread sticks, or crustini.

Recipe Notes: Well I don't have a little dipper crockpot, but kinda wish I did. Even though I totally don't need one. At all. For any reason. I just threw everything in a pot and got it all melty on the stove. Then I transferred it to my fondue pot with a tea light underneath it. Even that got to be too warm once we all started digging in. And it was yummy. I made a double batch and there wasn't much of anything left when the night was over. My girls, of course, wouldn't eat it, but Robin's loved it. A couple of things I would change, increase the cheese. I'd like it a little more stringy. Oh and use mozzarella. All I had on hand was cheddar, but mozzarella would be a lot better I think. Also I think this would be good with a couple of pieces of (cooked) bacon diced up in it. Really any of your favourite pizza toppings would work. I'm looking forward to playing around with this. We served this with crackers and nachoes, but I think it would also be great with soft bread sticks.

What is What's Cooking Wednesday and how can I play?

What's cooking Wednesday was born out of a desire to get out of that what's for dinner rut. Playing is easy, on Wednesday post a recipe that has been tried and tested by you and then pop over here and add your name to the Mr. Linky. When entering your name also add the name of the recipe in brackets and make sure you link to your What's Cooking Wednesday post and not just your blog's front page. And don't forget to link back here, the home of What's Cooking Wednesday.

So for example I would write Shan (Speedy Chicken Stir Fry) in the name section. For the URL section I would post this: http://shanrev.blogspot.com/2007/10/whats-cooking-wednesday-speedy-chicken.html

I'll let you in on a little secret. Much to Kaffy's chagrin, my WCW recipes are almost never made on a Wednesday. So feel free to cook and photograph whenever you have time and join us posting on Wednesday.


Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Looks like lots of fun, and I love your breadstick suggestion...just realized I actually miss those soft breadsticks...hmm...got a recipe? ;)

Oh, also we're announcing World Nutella Day 2009 today! Whee!

Unknown said...

I must make this soon -- glad to know you dont need a crockpot to make it :) :)

Kaci said...


JillEBean said...

I'll have to try this...pizza is a staple in my diet :)

darlene said...

omg!!...would love this..yet soo fattening!...yikes!!..
Am drooling here....

Chantal said...

Hey Shan, I have totally bookmarked that crockpot site. Looks like a great resource.

Shan said...

Michelle - I've never actually made them before. I'll have to give that a try.

City Girl - let me know how you like it.

Kaci - you said it.

JillEBean - ours too.

Darlene - yes it is, but oh so good.

Chantal - yeah I was really impressed with a lot of her recipes.


Great idea. Hope you don't mind that I'm going to skip to the eat the rest of the pepperoni package part and stay there for awhile.