Monday, February 16, 2009

this and that

Well it's week one of the to do list laundry plan and I'm already failing miserably. I have four baskets of clean clothes that need to be folded, but they aren't. And on the slight chance that it does get folded before I hit the bed, it is not going to get put away. I'm trying not to be too discouraged.

So what was I doing instead of folding laundry. Well I went over and hogged up Lily-Pie's cuddle time all afternoon. And before that I "enjoyed" a massage courtesy of my Mom. "Enjoyed" because I had two kids climbing all over me and Return to Neverland playing on the dvd player while Maya fed me bites of her pretzels. So it was far from a zen experience, but still better than no massage at all.

Speaking of Lily-Pie, her Mommy has a brand new blog devoted to Lily-Pie and her big sisters.Hmmm does this mean I can't call her The Mommy Project anymore?

Cadoo is one of the funniest games to play! There's a little bit of charades, a little pictionary and touch of sculpting with playdoh. I think we may start hosting a family game night with other families just to play it. We usually play with Abby and I against Mike. Although I don't technically play. I'm just there to help Abby read the cards. And now I'm thinking Disney Scene it would be a great game to host another family with. I just need to find the game players out there in my circle.

And I still have much to tell you. A full report on how the Grandparent's club is working out, a product review or two and I'm sure there will be more hilarious stories of my children their potty mouths.


Kaci said...

Crap that reminds me I have a load in the dryer!! =>

Betsy Hart said...

Dang laundry needs to be self folding!!

Shan said...

Kaci - I forgot a load in the washer this week... twice. Shhhh don't tell Michael.

Betsy - Oh my goodness YES!!