Sunday, February 15, 2009

yeah, you heard me

It was bright and sunny yesterday, if a little cold, so Mike decided it would be a great day to take down the Christmas lights. Yes we still had our lights up (and on every night). When he was finished he screwed the regular light bulb back and and then knocked on the front door. He wanted me to turn the outside light on so he could make sure the bulb hadn't burned out. I knew that, but since I'm somewhat of a smart ass I opened the door a crack and said...

We're happy with our religion, thanks for stopping by.

And then I shut the door on him. And from behind me Abby calls out...

Open the door, say that again and then tell him to get his ass in here.

And I did the thing parents should never do in these situations... I laughed until I cried. I was laughing so hard I couldn't even repeat what she had said to Mike.


Leah said...


We told Connor it was bedtime last night and he smacked his leg, screwed up his face into a very frustrated looking expression and muttered, "ahhh SH*T!" umm... yeah... Dan and I both turned away quickly and tried to muffle the laughter!

Betsy Hart said...

That sounds like what I would do!! I have such a hard time disciplining M when she says stuff like that!!

A Crafty Mom said...

Now THAT is funny. Another Shannon from Ontario who blogs and is funny . . . what are the odds ;-)? All kidding aside, great blog!!!

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...


Angela said...

The memoriable moments are the ones that we don't expect


Shan said...

Leah - they make it so hard to hold that laughter in sometimes don't they?

Betsy - I know what you mean.

Crafty Mom - yeah, I know. What are the odds? Yours is great too.

Michelle - that's what I said too.

Angela - very true.