Friday, February 20, 2009

twist the knife

Maya: Mommy you pick me up?
Me: Mommy can't pick you up right now. I'm making dinner.
Maya: Mommmmmeeeee! Up! Pick me up. Pick me up.
Me: Sweetie I'm trying to get dinner in the oven and then I'll pick you up.
Maya: Want up.
Me: Daddy can pick you up.
Maya: Don't want Daddy! Want Mommy pick me up.
Me: I can't right this second.
Maya: Don't you want hug and kiss me?!

She's only three and already playing the Mommy Guilt Card.


Lily-Pie's Mom said... fair!

Guess dinner was a bit later...

Betsy Hart said...

That isn't very fair is it??

Leah said...

AWWWWWWWWW That's definately not something you can resist.

Why is it they choose to seek us out at the worst possible timing? Connor chose this morning, of alllllll mornings to want to come into our bed and chat and snuggle and be otherwise totally ADORABLE AND SWEET and hilarious, except he was interrupting what had been the beginnings to an entirely different sort of morning if you get my drift! ha!

Chantal said...

My 3 year old does the same thing :)

Shan said...

LPM - Yep, luckily Auntie Yoli called and said she was running late. Phew!!

Betsy - Not at all.

Leah - I know just what you're talking about. The same thing happened to us courtesy of Abby last week.

Chantal - it must be in their handbook.