She was so cute, concentrating so hard to get her needles to do what she wanted them to do. And after she'd finished her first row she said....
I am having so much fun. Go get Daddy! He has to see this!
In the end she knitted about three rows before she moved on to something else. She dropped a stitch or two and her gauge was way off, but I figured she had lots of time to worry about that stuff. For now the fundamentals were good enough. I showed her where she could stash her project until she wanted to work on it again.
And then --
Maya got a hold of it.

That would be an action shot of Maya sliding Abby's masterpiece right off the needles. I should have seen it coming, she's done it to me a kajillion times. Of course I have no one to blame, but myself. I'm the one who leaves it out on the coffee table, thinking -- oh she won't bother with it. And I'm wrong every time.
Uh-oh. :-/
Was Abby really mad?
Yeah, that sounds like a sign for disaster in my house... hope Abby wasn't too mad.
I think it's great you are teaching Abby to knit!!
MP - she doesn't know yet. I haven't been doing much knitting so I think she's kinda forgotten about it.
Betsy - I was going to try and put it back in the needles, but she's dropped a stitch or two.
Widney - I think it's great she wants to learn.
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