Monday, March 16, 2009

budding knitter

Not long ago Abby woke up one Saturday morning and asked if I would teach her to knit. So I cast on a few stitches and we were off to the races. I've never taught anyone to knit before so it was slow going as I showed her how to do it and then attempted to guide her hands through the steps. Amazingly she caught on pretty quick and before I knew it she was knitting stitches on her own.


She was so cute, concentrating so hard to get her needles to do what she wanted them to do. And after she'd finished her first row she said....

I am having so much fun. Go get Daddy! He has to see this!

In the end she knitted about three rows before she moved on to something else. She dropped a stitch or two and her gauge was way off, but I figured she had lots of time to worry about that stuff. For now the fundamentals were good enough. I showed her where she could stash her project until she wanted to work on it again.

And then --

Maya got a hold of it.


That would be an action shot of Maya sliding Abby's masterpiece right off the needles. I should have seen it coming, she's done it to me a kajillion times. Of course I have no one to blame, but myself. I'm the one who leaves it out on the coffee table, thinking -- oh she won't bother with it. And I'm wrong every time.


Mommy Project said...

Uh-oh. :-/
Was Abby really mad?

Betsy Hart said...

Yeah, that sounds like a sign for disaster in my house... hope Abby wasn't too mad.


I think it's great you are teaching Abby to knit!!

Shan said...

MP - she doesn't know yet. I haven't been doing much knitting so I think she's kinda forgotten about it.

Betsy - I was going to try and put it back in the needles, but she's dropped a stitch or two.

Widney - I think it's great she wants to learn.