Sunday, March 15, 2009

reviewing dishwasher pouches

I really hate to do dishes, so I have a dishwasher of which Mike and I split the loading/unloading. Although I'm sure we'd both say we do it more than the other. It's not one of those chores either of us like to do, but it's preferable to washing dishes by hand.

Recently I was given a package of Cascade dishwasher pouches to try. As much as I love my dishwasher I hate dishwasher detergent. We used to buy the big pail with the scoop, but I hated to get the soap residue on my fingers. This fact may have not made it onto the 225 things list, but I really hate the feeling of stuff on my hands. Just ick! I also didn't like to inhale the soap fumes as I poured the detergent into the required compartments. Also I felt like I was using way too much soap, but that's what the instructions were so that's what I used.

So is it any surprise that I love these pouches? The soap is fully contained inside a water soluble plastic pouch, so no residue on my fingers. Each pouch is packed with pre-treater, food dissolver, stain fighter, shine sheild and rinse aid. There is no airborne soap to inhale and I'm only using one pouch per load, that's half the soap I would normally use. I really love this product and can't see us going back to a traditional powder or liquid. If I had one complaint, I wish they had a "green" product.

*disclosure -- I was given this product for free to try out in exchange for my honest opinion.


Betsy Hart said...

I LOVE the pouches too. Thanks for sharing your honest opinion with us. :)

Sam said...

Hey what about trying Presidents Choice Green pouches. I haven't yet, I am a Electrosol kind of girl but perhaps for you they are worth a try.

Leah said...

I got to use those on a vacation at the cabin we were renting that had them. SO EASY, but they're not very cheap so I haven't purchased them for myself... I hold the scoop in the big bucket by the tips of two fingers and make sure the handle always points UP when I put it back in the container so I don't have to go digging for it. I hate the stuff on my hands as well... LOL

Unknown said...

I love those pouches too - another one I like is Seventh Generation - no strong scents or anything.

I just realized that I had a whole bunch of WCW posts that I never updated on your Mr. Linky so I did that just now - so sorry to have not been visiting more lately. Hope everyone is all recovered.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, don't try the PC pouches. They suck.... I had 4 or 5 explode in the bag so not worth the extra savings and then all the goo and powder is everywhere. I do love the Cascade ones and the Seventh Generation are good too and enviro-friendlier.