Friday, March 20, 2009

friday high five - my list

There have been some intense negotiations going on via facebook recently. You see even though The Mommy Project has been right across the road for 5 years or so I had no idea she even existed for the first three. Then the kids start school and our girls turn out to be BFF's which led to an email to set up a playdate, which led to her finding my blog which led to us finding out that we have a whole heck of a lot in common and that led to a family party invite and that led to a Papa pop in. And now her whole family has been embraced by my whole family. Yep, she's one of us now. And now back to my original point, which is we have a lot in common. Like we both want to open diners or bakeries or cupcake shops or diners that are bakeries as well. Or how we both thought, independently, that an indoor play park in the industrial park near our town would be a great idea. We both had this idea years ago, before we even met and told our husbands about it. I can't speak for Mr. The Mommy Project, but I know Mike thought it would never fly. I would like to point out in the past year two have opened up there to booming business.
Now to get to the meat of the post -- The List. I am assuming you are aware of the list? The five celebrities you can have on your list that are "freebies"? Meaning, should the opportunity arise you are free to hook up with them. Not surprisingly, The Mommy Project and I had very similar lists. In fact her "laminated list" could very well be mine with one small exception. Sorry Mommy Project, Dennis Leary is all yours. I will, however, arm wrestle you for John Cusack, Vince Vaughn, Hugh Jackman or Stephen Colbert.

See the issue? Boys are coming between us already. So we've been doing to civilized thing and negotiating who gets who. I'm still not quite sure how I managed to lose Vince Vaughn because I have loved him since Swingers, but the Mommy Project is so money, I'm willing to overlook it. Plus she did offer me Owen AND Luke Wilson as a trade. With the trade deadline passed (without a firm decision about former Maple Leaf Gary Roberts I might add) I figured it was time to update my list.

So for my first Friday High Five, (hosted by Angela's Adventures and Minor Mishaps) here it is in all it's laminated glory -- My List.

In no particular order, of course.

1. Owen AND Luke Wilson. I get both in exchange for Vince Vaughn, which is a pretty solid trade in my books. It's hard to say who I love more. And yes I'm aware Owen has a messed up nose. I like it. Oh yes I do. I've seen all his movies -- including DrillBit Taylor. Although my favourites are any with him and Ben Stiller together. Luke Wilson I fell in love with after Old School. The Godfather -- how could you not love him? Plus he was hanging with Vince Vaughn. They're all friendly so TMP and I could totally double date.

2. Tim McGraw. He is hawt y'all. His song My Little Girl, makes me weep every time. And he looks damn fine in that cowboy hat.

3. Paul Rudd. So the rest of the world may just be finding out about him, but I loved him ever since he became Phoebe's boyfriend on Friends. He is that perfect funny/smart combination.

4. Patrick Dempsey. I only started watching Grey's last season, but I have no idea why I waited so long. And what is it about that hair? I will admit to watching Enchanted with Abby many many times. Abby actually even tells people that he is my boyfriend. I just burned Made of Honour last night and fully intend to watch it while folding clothes this afternoon.

5. Maks from Dancing With The Stars. Another show the whole world was watching before I was. Have you seen him dance? Those hips are lethal. And that smile, that is one lady killer smile he has right there.

And on my reserve list. You know in case something happens and those on the laminated list are unable to preform their duties...

Eric Dane (McSteamy from Grey's)
Seth Rogen (what can I say, funny is very sexy)
Adrian Grenier (from Entourage)
Jeremy Piven (since he was on Ellen's sitcom)
Ben Stiller (yeah I like to keep it in the comedic family)

Who's on your list?


A Crafty Mom said...

Patrick Dempsey would be on my list too . . . and probably the Wilson brothers too. I am so glad to hear you found a neighbour blogger/friend!!! Isn't that fantastic? I have recently found a few people in Ottawa who blog that I have a lot in common with . . . it's been really great.

As for my list, I'll send you to a post from last summer that covers it quite well!!!

Mommy Project said...

LOL! Love this post (of course). I, too, love Patrick Dempsey but I've had him on my radar since the 80's, baby. My list fluctuates...three are constant the other two change depending on my mood and what I've just watched on t.v.!

I'll think about it and post soon!! :)

p.s. Thank-you for Vince Vaughn.

Julie said...

Johnny Depp
George Clooney
Patrick Dempsey (it's totally the hair!)
David Boreanis (from Buffy day)
Seth Green

reserve list
David Beckham (he's be on the list if he wasn't so smug)

I'm sure there are more, I just can't think of them at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Patrick Dempsey
Rob Lowe
Trace Adkins
Trace Adkins
Rob Lowe


Leah said...

wouldn't even know where to begin, but I will highly second Paul Rudd and Patrick Dempsey (and let's just say Grey's and Enchanted are on my "watched many many times" list... ha! LOVED Made of Honor!! Hubby calls it Made of Horror. Clearly he and I don't get into the same movies)

Shan said...

Crafty - she wasn't actually a blogger until after she found mine. But I'm so glad she does now. I love reading hers.

Mommy Project - oh you're welcome. It speaks volumes about how much I like you that I would even give him up.

Julie - I don't need Beckham -- his underwear ad will do:) And yes I have a deep love for George Clooney too.

JulieLB - great list my friend!! Trace Adkins has an amazing voice. he could read me the phone book!

Leah - I haven't watched it yet, but am planning on it soon. I think I will likely love it as well. Mike, I'm sure will bail on me. Maybe that's a good one for jammie movie night!