Friday, March 06, 2009

knee deep in dirty jammies

Nothing like coming home after a long day at work and finding out that your little one has been up chucking since 7:30 in the morning. Looks like it's going to be a weekend full of laundry and camping out on the couch. I'm just hoping that Maya doesn't pass it on to Abby or I. Or Mike... that would be the worst. I'll take sick babies over a sick husband any day of the week.


Mommy Project said...

"The burps" came and went very quickly over here. Hopefully it will be the same for you. :(

Erin said...

Oh Goodness... I feel for you! We had the same thing a few weeks ago, except all three of us had it at once!! There was not a clean sheet, towel or blanket in the house... GROSS!!

Hope you get over it very quickly! And I agree, sick husbands are worse than babies :O)

FaithChick said...

Amen sister! I will be praying of your babies and that it will not get passed around. Tim brought something home from work last week and by the next day all five of us had it. Dont you love that?

Betsy Hart said...

I feel for you, believe me. :(

Julie said...

Hope Maya is feeling better and didn't feel the need to pass it on to everyone. You guys have had your share of sick lately.