Wednesday, March 11, 2009

on the mend

Well Abby stopping throwing up at some point this morning and her fever is finally gone. Thank goodness. Abby still has two small holes in her heart and a persistent fever is something we need to watch for. Most of the time it's easy to forget there is something "wrong" with her, but as soon as she gets a fever I'm watching the clock and compulsively checking her temperature and praying a lot for it to go down. I'm, generally, a pretty laid back Mom, but a fever is one of those things that can send me into a silent panic.

And, of course, the only thing worse than persistent painful vomiting is having to watch your child suffer through it. So it's been a rough couple of days. And my stomach has been horribly upset since last night, but nothing has come of it. Which has it's pros and cons.

What is really great is seeing Abby back to feeling like herself. She spent this afternoon making up for her day of silence yesterday and chatted my ear off. She's so talkative and social it was hard to see her quiet and listless on the couch for so long. Some conversation highlights --

When she's a teenager she's going to "find someone to love, go steady, get engaged, get married, have babies and then get her ears pierced."

-- I have no idea how she knows about going steady, but I did tell her she didn't have to wait until she had babies to get her ears pierced and we could go anytime she'd like. She still wants to wait.

Also when she does have babies I will be their Grandma and Mike will be their Papa.

-- They've been doing family relationships at school in Social Studies.

And when I asked her if she would be marrying D the little boy in her class she's had a crush on since J/K her response was -- "No I think Maddie (her bff) is already going to do that."

And then she attempted to explain an episode of Codename: Kids Next Door to me that was so complicated I had no idea what she was even talking about. Also the explanation may have lasted longer than the actual episode itself.

Here's hoping things are finally back to normal around here. I could use it!


Julie said...

So glad to hear that the girls are feeling better. I hope you are too! And I love the fact that she wants to wait to get married and have babies before she gets her ears pearced. Too funny.

Chantal said...

Oh I am glad she is feeling better. I always know when my youngest is sick cause he stops talking. Otherwise, he NEVER stops talking :)

Mommy Project said...

I'm glad to hear she is doing better, too. I hope it doesn't get you.

Betsy Hart said...

I feel for you. I have been praying we are finished with this too!

Leah said...

glad to hear she's feeling better!

I love having those crazy conversations with my kids... LOL!!

And that's funny about her ears. Emily started asking before she was even two (NO JOKE! she'd touch my earrings, then would touch her ears and question, "mine? have?") and she nagged so much that her daddy finally gave in shortly after she was three and said she could have them done, assuming she could learn her address. which she did in a week. the kid wanted her ears pierced!

and I feel your pain over the fever. Jared was diagnosed with an auto-immune disorder when he was little (something weird about his white blood cells which left him mildly anemic no matter how we treated the problem). The considered it basically benign because most kids with the disorder experience unexplained fevers frequently. There was a period of time where Jared started having fevers out of the blue that would last 12-24 hours, every few days. Talk about a panic! anyway, nothing came of it and he seems fine now, but I can sympathize

Shan said...

Julie - I thought that was pretty funny too.

Chantal - yep, that sounds just like Abby.

Mommy Project - it was a nice thought, but it got me.

Betsy - I hear ya.

Leah - I never wear earrings, so she doesn't think it's any big deal I guess. the thing with fevers and Abby is a prolonged fever could be a sign of infection and therefore a strain on her heart. Just another thing to worry about when they're sick.