Friday, March 13, 2009

thankful thursday on friday

Well I missed Thankful Thursday, but better late than never as I always say. And my good buddy The Mommy Project tells me I will increase my happiness by 25% if I just list what I'm thankful for. So onto the list.....

I am thankful

1) That the horrible nasty stomach virus that fell upon this family a week ago seems to finally be over. I refuse to entertain the possibility that Michael may still get it. I just couldn't take it if he did.

2) That Grey's wasn't a rerun last night.

3) That The Office is so damn funny.

4) That my Mom is coming tonight for a sleepover. Abby just figured out what the surprise is and is about three feet off the ground with excitement.

5) That Family Fun Night morphed into sleepover night with Granny.

And what are you thankful for?


Leah said...

I was glad Grey's wasn't a re-run, too, but WHAT IN THE WORLD are they doing to everyone??? Everything's falling apart! ack! LOL

how fun about the sleepover...

I'm thankful everyone else seems to like my new hair, even though I'm not entirely sold yet. And I'm thankful for Aleve Cold and Sinus, because I'd be a perfectly miserable person with a cold without it. LOL

Betsy Hart said...

That does sound like a fun sleepover.

Kaci said...

I had the flu last month and it was AWFUL!!! I'm still not convinced it wasn't samonella goes dear god I wanted to just die.