Friday, May 22, 2009

friday high five - internet laughs

I'm just going to lay it out there -- the internet is one big time suck. For every 30 seconds I spend doing actual "work", like banking online, I spend another 75 hours or so facebooking, emailing, twittering, farmtowning, blogging, uploading and downloading various types of digital information, not exactly in that order. For this Friday's High Five (hosted by Angela's Adventures and Minor Mishaps) and for all of you that share my love of internet time-wasting I'd like to share with you the five places I go when I need a chuckle.

Aww who am I kidding, y'all know I check in with these sites everyday.

1) FailBlog - This was my brother's birthday present to me and by that I mean he called me, said happy birthday, asked me if I had ever heard of failblog, I said no. He said go there now, I'll wait -- oh and happy birthday, that's your gift. I have to say it's much better than what he got me for my 30th. Which was to call me, ask if I had his copy of Get Shorty, on VHS mind you, and then hang up when I told him I didn't. That is a birthday fail, right there. Failblog is a collection of pictures and video of things that are fails. Like the signs that nobody bothered to spellcheck. Funny funny stuff.

2) CakeWrecks - I don't think you need to have an interest in baking or cake decorating at all to appreciate this site. This is the place for professional cakes that have gone horribly wrong. Further proof why you're better off with a box of cake mix and a can of frosting at home than spending your hard earned cash on a grocery store cake. This is the one blog Mike checks on regularly. Actually this is the only blog Mike checks regularly and that includes mine.

3) TextsFromLastNight - I'm not quite sure how I found this one. During a night of mindless internet surfing I'm sure. This doesn't really apply to me since I'm old and past the drunken texting stage. Actually, there was no such thing as texting when I would have been going through my "partying it up" stage of development. But those kids today are sending some very funny drunken texts. This is not a site you should be checking out while in the presence of young folks who can read.

4) Awkward Family Photos - I think the title says it all. There are some very unfortunate family photos out there my friends. Lucky for us, someone was nice enough gather them all into one spot for our viewing pleasure and for that I thank them.

5) FunnyorDie - Another one my brother told me about ages ago, but I never bothered checking it out because I had dial up. This site is put together by Will Ferrell and his equally funny friends. I think just about everything Will Ferrell and his frat pack band of friends do is absolutely hysterical, but if you don't go in for that brand of humour (and if you don't I'm seriously wondering if we can still be friends) I'd skip this site entirely. But if you do go, promise me you will watch the Landlord sketch. I laughed so hard I fell out of my chair. Also where do I sign up for the Kevin Bacon Movie Club?


Betsy Hart said...

I am totally checking these out!!

Karen said...

OMG, I just spent 20 minutes killing myself on Failblog. Thanks for putting that up there. I just found my new obsession.

Shan said...

Betsy - enjoy.

Karen - I know it was a pretty great birthday present.