Saturday, May 23, 2009

me vs. maya vs. the potty

On the outset it looked like potty training Maya was going be easy. Let me pause here for a very loud HA! I mean say that even though she'd steadfastly refused to even consider the idea of potty training. Even while she was using the bathroom at the sitter's. I say that even though the whole taking her to the bathroom every 30 minutes resulted in 0% toilet usage and 100% going in her pullups. I say that even though promises of suckers resulted in 0% toilet usage. I even went one step further and started giving Abby suckers for going to the bathroom, which ticked her right off, but not enough to actually -- you know -- use the bathroom. It appeared she wanted to play hard ball. It's been a few weeks now since I decided I'd play hardball with her and this is what I've learned about potty training. This of course is specific to Maya, Abby was a totally different experience. One I don't remember being such a pain in the ass, but it likely was.

Maya wasn't ever going to toilet train while she was wearing the pullup. Why would she pause what she was doing -- her very important work -- to use the bathroom when she could go where she stood and keep digging in the sand box? I think the pullups are a good transistion from diapers to prepare for toilet training, but Maya just wasn't going to take that leap unless she had to. So Mike and I picked a day and the two of us (yes it took two of us) wrestled her into a pair of underwear. To say she was not happy is an understatement of epic proportions, but we insisted she keep them on and then we spent the day changing her out of wet pants and panties.

Which brings me to ths -- plan out when you want to start the training. A weekend is good if you happen to work outside of the house. Give yourself a few days of hanging around the house so you both can focus your attention on it. We started first thing on a Saturday morning. The first two days we had our fair share of accidents, but all in all she caught on pretty quick. Once we made her she did master the art of going number one very quickly. Number two continues to be problematic.

She makes no attempt at mastering number two. What's worse is she's begun to think it's a bit of a chuckle when she does it. I have loads of patience, but this little issue can got through it super quick. I have resorted to "punishing" her only because she thinks it's funny and I want her to understand that's not appropriate. For the first offence I take her to her room for a chat explain to her that it's important she uses the bathroom. She hates going to her room. Second offence she can't go out to play or visit with our neighbour who is her favouritest person ever. Today we even had a third offence, which made today a "no screen" day for her (no tv, movies or computer). Just to jump off topic for a moment, no screen day was awesome! I may do it again for no reason at all. Even Abby commented it was a nice day.

I realize that she will master this eventually. It would be nice if it was sooner than later. I'm just not sure what to do beyond what I'm doing now.

This post was written for The Parent's Network blogger blast. Follow six families on their road to potty training success at The Potty Project.


Lynn said...

Ugh, good luck. I hate potty training. Our 4 1/2 year old, who has been daytime trained for at least a year and a half, STILL wets her pullup at night and it's my major source of life frustration. We are thinking of trying the Little Miss this summer -- she'll only be just-turned two, which is way earlier than we did the other two, but we are really anxious for our potty training days to be over.

Definitely let us know if you find any magic tricks that work for Maya!

Betsy Hart said...

How frustrating. I have a feeling that my second is going to be alot tougher to train than my first....


Motor Mouth was a challenge. He wasn't potty trained until his friend came to spend a few nights with us. They say you aren't supposed to do this, but it worked for us and a few other people we have spoken to since. We said, "Kai Kai is a BIG boy. He goes in the potty. You're a BABY. You go in your Pull-up." And thus Motor Mouth became potty trained. Not recommended for all children. Mini Me practically potty trained herself.

Jackie said...

Mine was potty trained. WAS. Now he prefers to do his number two out on the back deck and saves urination for the front porch. Argh. ;)

Shan said...

Lynn - I don't think Maya has a magic trick or a short cut for anything. It's all hard work with that one.

Betsy - well that has certainly been the case here.

WW - At this point I'd give anything a try.

Jackie - such fun isn't it?