Monday, May 11, 2009


I'm going to whisper this so come in close.

No, closer.

Just a little bit closer.

I think Abby may be on the mend.

Now shhh, keep that under your hat because I have made this claim more than once this weekend only to find her not long after in the fetal position on the floor clutching her stomach.

Is there anything worse than having your child be in such pain and not being able to soothe it for them. Add that to the broken sleep (for the past almost 72 hours) plus a husband who's had obligations elsewhere and you have the makings of a very demoralizing weekend for Mom.

I'm not sure why Abby seems to pick up these stomach bugs so easily. Or why they seem to linger with her for so long. Maybe it has something to do with the weakened state she was in for the first six plus months of her life. Or maybe that's just the luck she has. Who knows? I think these episodes take as much out of me as they do out of her.

For now she seems to be doing better. It's been hours now since she last threw up. Her cheeks are no longer flushed and she's got her Abby personality back. I think it's helped that she finally managed to get some food into her and keep it there. And for that I am unspeakably thankful.


Merry said...

Fingers crossed that she's on the mend & that you'll have a few months/years before she has this again!

Mommy Project said...

I think I saw her on her bike last night, so I'm hoping that is a sign it is gone for good now (and, btw, what a good cyclist she is!). Sorry the weekend was so sucky for both of you. :(

Heather Kay said...

Oh, I hope she is feeling better. My son suffered from a weird stomach thing when he was very small. Basically the bad flora in his stomach was higher than the good. (this often happens from being on antibiotics) He needed a daily dose of the good stuff in yogurt. If she won't eat yogurt there are also otc forms called kyo dophilus. Until we got this straightened out he had every stomach bug that came by and had it worse than any one else that got it. I hope this helps!

Shan said...

Merry - thank would be fantastic.

MP - She's pretty good isn't she?

Heather - I'll have to check into that, thanks.