Sunday, May 10, 2009

if only there'd been a bit less barf it would have been perfect

Between Mike and I we have three moms. All awesome. And I was planning on writing a post about how awesome they all are, but then Little Miss Abby asked if she could have the floor instead. How could I say no to that?

I mad mom a krawn for math day

And there you have it, short, but sweet. The poor little lamb has been sick all weekend. She started Friday evening with some wicked stomach cramps and has been sick to her stomach on and off ever since. We'll get a few hours where she seems to be on the mend and then she'll be on the floor complaining her stomach hurts again.

This morning she did manage to muster up enough energy to retrieve my Mother's Day present from it's hiding spot. She had made me a crown at school and I am to be Queen for the day. I'd like to think that a Queen doesn't usually spend the day rubbing backs, washing blankets and cleaning up barf, but what do I know. I guess, all in all, it wasn't a bad Mother's Day spent cuddling my kids on the couch.

I have to say, though, the thing that put the biggest smile on my face this Mother's day was this link from my pal Jenni. Finally the recognition I deserve. wink


Leah said...

Happy Mother's Day! Sorry to hear that Abby is still sick. Poor girl!

and fun link! My neighbor sent that to me earlier today

Lynn said...

That video is so cute! A great mother's day gift :).

Julie said...

Hope that Abby is feeling better and that your migraine has left the buiding and that the end of your Mother's Day was good.

Betsy Hart said...

hope abby feels better :)

Shan said...

Leah - Thanks, it made me laugh.

Lynn - yeah I thought it was cute.

Julie - all in all I guess it was okay.

Betsy - thanks