Wednesday, May 20, 2009

idol round up

Well I have to ask, is the American Idol Finale always that good? I mean I've never watched before, but I thought this one was really entertaining. So much so that I didn't even mind that I had to wait two hours to find out who won.

But enough about the American Idol winner -- although I have to say -- thanks America. This makes up -- in a very small way, mind you -- for that whole Danny Gokey debacle. Not that you're entirely forgiven. Let's not go crazy here.

I thought you might like to learn 5 new facts about me that you didn't know in relation to the American Idol finale.

1. I triple love Keith Urban, although this is a recent development. I have always really enjoyed his music, but didn't think he was that big of a deal. All that changed when I saw the video for You Look Good in My Shirt. Suddenly I thought he was uber hawt. I'm not sure why.

2. I am a huge Rod Stewart fan, by genetics I think. My Mom has been his number one fan for as long as I can remember. The Album Blondes Have More Fun (I think -- I remember a leopard print outfit on the album cover) is one of the distinct memories of my childhood. We played that album a lot, dancing around the living room singing Hot Legs and Maggie May as loud as we could.

3. This is the first season of Idol I have watched from start to finish. I watched because I was emotionally invested in Danny Gokey as soon as I heard his story. I didn't figure I'd watch an entire season again, but I have a funny feeling I'm hooked.

4. I have always found Steve Martin to be hilarious. Someone else my parents were big fans of. I had no idea he could play the banjo too.

5. Beth is my favourite Kiss song. Followed closely by Hard Luck Woman.


Julie said...

I heart Rod Stewart too. He's my guilty pleasure!

Leah said...

I watched one of the try-out episodes, but that's about as far as I got... LOL I enjoy the show in general, but there's other shows I like better at the same time-slot.

Lynn said...

If you like the song Beth, may I recommend renting the movie "Role Models"? We rented it a few weeks ago and I was prepared for absolute stupidity and juvenile humour. And it did have that...but it also had heart and warmth, and I admit it, I laughed and laughed.

Plus, totally AWESOME use of the song Beth.

Betsy Hart said...

lol about the dancing around the living room, and I agree about Keith, he's purty!

Shan said...

Julie - I think he's fabulous. I've seen him live four or five times.

Leah - that's usually what I do too.

Lynn - I desperately want to see that movie. We almost picked it for jammie movie night, but they all voted for Bride Wars. Another movie with awesome use of the Beth song -- Beautiful Girls. One of my favourite movies.

Betsy - Oh he is isn't he. Lucky Nicole.